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2012, Educational Technology
5 pages
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In this study, the authors examined the Journal of Research on Technology in Education (JRTE) to discover trends from 2001~2010 in the topics covered in the articles, article types (including research meth- ods used), authorship, and citation frequency. Articles from the journal dealt mostly with PK-12 settings and focused on technology integration, distance education, teacher education, subject education, and attitudes toward technology. The journal has generally favored inferential, interpretive, and mixed-method research over theoretical articles, discourse analysis, and descriptive studies. We also compared our findings to the stated aims and scope of JRTE and the aims of its publisher, the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE), and found a close alignment of JRTE and ISTE aims and goals.
Educational Technology, 2013
This study examined the Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (CITE) online journal for trends in topics, article type, authorship, and citations for the decade 2001 to 2010. Revealed trends were compared with CITE's stated aims and scope, in addition to the trends for its print counterpart, the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE). In keeping with CITE's aims, the journal's dominant topical trends were Educational Technology and Preservice Teacher Education, with an emphasis on collaborative authorship. CITE's dominant theoreti- cal methodology aligns with the journal's stated goal of emphasizing theoretical and conceptual papers.
British Journal of Educational Technology, 2018
Reflecting on 50 years of educational technology research, a content and authorship analysis was conducted of 1777 research article titles and abstracts, published in the British Journal of Educational Technology (BJET) from 1970 to Issue 3, 2018. A text‐mining tool (Leximancer) was used to identify key concepts and themes emerging throughout each of the five decades, which were then compared to those found in a previous analysis of Computers & Education, as well as the most cited BJET publications in each decade. The framework of West and Rich (2012) was then used to provide guidance on BJET’s rigour, impact and prestige. Common themes in BJET throughout the past 50 years have included the evolution of teaching and learning in distance education, the emergence of instructional design, misunderstanding between practitioners and learning designers, issues of pre and in‐service teacher education and technology uptake by educators and students, including the confidence to do so, the te...
The editors of leading educational technology journals are collaborating on ways to support the efforts of the next generation of researchers, working within the framework of the National Technology Leadership Coalition ( The goal is to facilitate research that is needed to move the field forward and to influence decision makers about the affordances of technology. With this in mind, the editor and associate editors of the Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE) offer the following advice for those wishing to publish in this journal.
After fi ve years, 23 papers, and 83 student co-authors, thi s arti cle conc ludes the j ourn al Ana lys is Seri es in Educational Technology. In this arti cle, th e auth or reflects on lessons lea rn ed from this proj ect, inclu ding insights for the field of ed ucational technology and for teachers w ho may consider simil ar projects in their own courses. M ain in sights in clude th e limits of citation metri cs on their own for eva luating jou rn al quality, th e im porta nce of w ritin g good abstracts and keywords, th e lack of methodologica l diversity and innovation w ithin th e field, and th e overemp hasis in the discipline on techn ology in li eu of theory, des ign, and contex tu al factors related to teaching an d lea rnin g.
… Technology & …, 2011
Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications
This chapter presents the results of a systematic review of literature in which the authors examined instructional technology integration in career and technical education, mathematics, language arts, social studies, and science. Three lenses were used to examine the literature: a research design framework, a teacher knowledge framework (CFTK), and a technology integration framework (TPACK). The research design framework revealed a low percentage of papers that were actually research studies (41.2%), favoring qualitative design (70% of the 41.2%). Consequently, educators may have difficulty sifting through high proportions of non-research to find the most informative, up-to-date instructional technology research. Three CFTK aspects of teacher knowledge were addressed less than others in the research studies: Individual Context (16%), Subject Matter (33%), and Discernment (29%). Pedagogical Knowledge was addressed the most (65%). The TPACK developmental framework revealed an emphasis...
Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology / La revue canadienne de l’apprentissage et de la technologie, 2010
Looking Forward In closing, the current editorial team continues to be successful in publishing CJLT-RCAT on a regular basis and Jacobsen of 3 2018-12-07, 12:08 p.m. have ensured that it remains a high quality, international scholarly journal for educational technology research and scholarship.
International Handbook of Interpretation in Educational Research Methods, 2014
Researchers have called for renewed efforts in exploring both what knowledge should be taught in preservice teacher education programs with regard to technology. In addition, researchers have also called for renewed efforts on how to best prepare teachers to effectively use that knowledge to support teaching and learning. There were multiple ways to approach this problem, but researchers selected a two-phase mixed-methods research design. This chapter examines how the research focus and results were selected and interpreted through the two-phase mixed-methods research design. The chapter describes why and how specific populations were selected (teacher educators and practicing teachers). In addition, the chapter describes why data sources were selected (surveys and multiple case studies - interviews, documents). The analysis of data is also detailed, noting the various statistical tests run, as well as the methods for coding open-ended data. Furthermore, descriptions of interpretations of the results and how findings were established are presented.
Turkish Studies - Information Technologies and Applied Sciences, 2019
Despite significant amount of investment, there seems to be obstacles to technology integration in education. In order to shed light on the nature of perceived obstacles to technology integration, opinions of 117 professionals, who were selected by Turkish Ministry of National Education as experts in their respective fields, about the obstacles to integration of technology into education were investigated. After categorizing the perceived obstacles by factor analysis, associations of those categories with personal and professional differences were further investigated for better contextualizing the findings. Correlations were analyzed by Pearson's product moment coefficient and point-biserial coefficient. The results revealed that it's not the hardware itself that constitute obstacles to technology integration. Insufficiency of in-service and pre-service training, content support, and incentive system emerged as major perceived obstacles to technology integration. Inadequacy of physical and technological infrastructure was also found to be an important obstacle to successful integration. Novelty of the technologies compared to older ones were not found to be an obstacle to technology integration. Moreover, participants stressed the lack of education in teacher training institutions about current technologies that Ministry of National Education officially requires teachers to use as part of their jobs to be another important obstacle. There were no correlations between sex, age, level of education, job position, year of experience in other careers, and any of the categories of perceived obstacles. However, there was a strong negative correlation between year of experience in teaching and * Dr., Akdeniz Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi,
Computers in Human Behavior , 2022
Supporting teaching and learning with different technologies has a long and broad history. The theories of learning have changed in recent decades, and new technologies have been invented that provide possibilities for supporting learning processes based on different learning theories. Recently, this field has been studied using bibliometric methods with large datasets to gain an overview of this research area. This paper continues this approach by targeting and analyzing the most relevant journals in the field, covering 30,632 articles. The aim was to deepen the results gained from previous bibliometric studies by focusing on the journals within the educational technology field, the keywords used, the most-cited papers, and especially by outlining the theoretical backgrounds of the analyzed articles. Results show new journals with increasing numbers of articles published. By analyzing the publications used as the articles' backgrounds, we can identify the large entities within the field. Articles targeted how technology can support learning processes based on different learning theories. Along with building an understanding of technology-related learning processes, the second large area of research targets the integration and factors affecting the use of technology for teaching and learning practices. The third large perspective focuses on learners' characteristics, especially their learning skills, motivation, and self-efficacy. The results show that new technologies by themselves do not cause fast changes in research goals and topics; rather, significant changes in the research field evolve slowly.
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Educational Technology, 2012
Asian Journal of Education and Social Studies
Journal of Information Technology Education: Research
Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education Journal, 2018
Educational Technology Research and Development, 2010
Handbook of Research on Educational Communications and Technology (4th Edition), 2013
Journal of Education and Educational Development
Educational Technology & Society
Journal on Educational Technology, 2018