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28 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
The paper explores various aspects of corrosion, focusing on oxidation corrosion, its mechanisms, and ways to control it. It categorizes corrosion into types such as chemical and electrochemical corrosion, detailing the reactions involved in each case. Key concepts include the stability of oxide layers on metals, factors affecting corrosion rates, and distinctions between different types of corrosion. It also provides an overview of the electrochemical processes and examples to illustrate the mechanisms involved.
Different Forms of Corrosion Classified on the Basis of Appearance 1) electrochemical corrosion is the only deterioration mechanism; 2) anodic and cathodic reactions take place all over the electrode surface, but not simultaneously at the same place, i.e. the anodic and cathodic reactions exchange places, constantly or frequently. Closely related to this dynamic behaviour it is assumed that: 3) there are no significant macroscopic concentration differences in the electrolyte along the metal surface, and the metal is fairly homogeneous. These three assumptions lead to uniform (general) corrosion. But this is only one of several corrosion forms that occur under different conditions. The other forms of corrosion depend on the deviations from the mentioned assumptions. Such deviations may be due to
Environmental and Industrial Corrosion - Practical and Theoretical Aspects, 2012
Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2007
Two methods of combating corrosion which are widely used in New Zealand are cathodic protection and chemical inhibitors. Both methods depend on controlling the charge on the metal surface, and this can be monitored by measuring the potential of the metal. The conditions needed to stop corrosion can then be predicted from an electrochemical phase diagram. Cathodic protection is effected by forcing the potential to a negative region where the metal is completely stable. This can be done by using a sacrificial anode made from a more reactive metal, or using an external power supply to change the amount of charge on the metal surface. Cathodic protection is well suited to steel structures in marine or underground environments. There is a class of chemical inhibitors which work by removing electrons from the metal, thereby pushing the potential into a positive region where an oxide film spontaneously forms. This results in a stable, passive surface with a very low corrosion rate. Industries apply this technology in processes where the inhibitor can be conveniently added without causing environmental or health problems.
Corrosion Science, 1972
An attempt has been made to explore the role of estimated semiconductivity of corrosion reaction films in determining the magnitudes of open-circuit corrosion potentials of Cu, Sn, AI, Ni, Fe, Zn and Pb in chloride solutions. The experimental data on corrosion potentials, as recently reported by Butler, Francis and McKie, have been interpreted qualitatively in terms of the involvement of the semiconducting corrosion films in the electron-hole participation that must occur in order to sustain the partial electrode reactions on the film-covered metals. Arguments have been put forward to show why presence of a highly insulating corrosion film on a metal tends to lead to more cathodic corrosion potentials, for the particular data of Butler et al. which indicate that the corrosion potentials of metals, under their experimental conditions, are controlled predominantly by the cathodic conjugate reaction of the reduction of oxygen. R~sum~-On a examin6 le r61e de la semiconductivit6 estim6e de pellicules de corrosion dans la fixation des potentiels de corrosion de Cu, Sn, AI, Ni, Fe, Zn et Pb en solutions chlorur6es. Les potentiels de corrosion exp~rimentaux, tels que rgcemment rapport~s par Butler, Francis et McKie0 ont 6t6 interpr6tgs qualitativement en fonction de l'implication des pellicules de corrosion semiconductrices dans la participation des trous d'61ectron qui dolt se produire pour contrebalancer les r~actions partielles d'61ectrode sur les m6taux recouverts d'une pellicule. Des arguments ont 6t6 avanc~s montrant pourquoi la pr~ence d'une pellicule fortement isolante sur un m6tal tend A conduire des potentiels de corrosion plus nobles, dans le cas particulier de Butler et coll., qui indiquent que les potentiels de corrosion des mgtaux, dans leurs exl~riences, sont essentiellement fix6s par la r~action cathodique antagoniste de la r6duction de l'oxyg6ne. Zusammenfassung-Es wurde der Versuch unternommen, die Rolle der geschatzten Halbleitf~higkeit von Korrosionsreaktionsfilmen bei der Bestimmung der Gr6ssenordnung der Korrosionspotentiale von Cu, Sn, AI, Ni, Fe, Zn und Pb in Chloridlfsungen bei offenem Stromkreis zu erforschen. Die Versuchsdaten der Korrosionspotentiale, wie sir kiJrzlich von Butler, Francis und McKie mitgeteilt wurden, werden qualitativ unter Heranziehung halbleitender Korrosionsfilme zum Defektelektroneneinsatz interpretiert, der erfolgen muss, um die partiellen Elektrodenreaktionen an den filmbedeckten Metallen aufrechtzuerhalten. Es werden Griinde vorgetragen, die zeigen, warum die entsprechenden Daten yon Butler et aL, aus denen hervorgeht, dass die Korrosionspotentiale yon Metallen unter den gegebenen Versuchsbedingungen iJberwiegend yon der konjugierten Kathodenreaktion der Reduktion yon Sauerstoff kontrolliert werden, die Anwesenheit eines stark isolierenden Korrosionsfilms auf einem Metall zu stfirker kathodischen Korrosionspotentialen fiihren kann.
Thermodynamic and Electrochemical Processes The corrosion process of metals is a natural result of the inherent tendency to revert to a more stable compound, such as an oxide. Metal ore that is mined must be refined and then alloyed for use. Energy is required to refine these ores into useable metals. Entropy, a thermodynamic property, drives these metals to corrode. Every system which is left to itself will, on the average, change toward a condition of maximum probability. (G. N. Lewis) Energy is required to keep these metals in the refined state and when left alone they will, over time, revert back to the more stable compounds in which they occur naturally. An example of this is iron. Hematite is the principle ore of iron. Hematite is a form of iron oxide, its chemical composition is FE2O3. Processed iron ore, coke, and limestone are added to the top of a blast furnace (Figure 1-1).1 The coke is the source of the chemical energy in the blast furnace. When it is burnt by the hot air it releases both heat energy and the main reducing agent, CO.
Correspondence Luca Pezzato, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Padova, Via Marzolo 9, 35131 Padova PD, Italy. Email:; Abstract Plasma electrolytic oxidation (PEO) coatings were produced on AZ80 magnesium alloy in a solution containing silicates and phosphates and working at high current densities with short treatment times. The effect of a sealing treatment in boiling water on corrosion and mechanical properties of the coatings were investigated. Moreover, the corrosion mechanism of the samples with and without the sealing treatment was evaluated. The microstructure of the coatings was characterized with scanning electron microscope observation and X‐ray diffraction analysis. The mechanical properties were evaluated with nanoindentation tests and the corrosion resistance was studied by potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance spectroscopy, and scanning vibrating electrode technique. The results showed tha...
Corrosion may be defined as the destruction or deterioration in properties of materials by interaction with their environments. It is a natural phenomenon. Engineers generally consider corrosion when dealing with metallic materials. However, the process affects all sorts of materials, for example, ceramics, plastics, rubber etc. Rusting of iron and steel is the most common example of corrosion. Swelling in plastics, hardening of rubber, deterioration of paint, and fluxing of the ceramic lining of a furnace are all incidences of corrosion in non metallic materials. Metallurgists may think of corrosion as reverse extractive metallurgy. Metals are extracted from their compounds occurring in nature through extractive metallurgy processes involving considerable expenditure of energy, natural resources, time, and man power. Corrosion works to convert the metal I back into the same compounds.
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