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The review of Francis Collins' "The Language of God" explores the intertwining of scientific and religious perspectives through the lens of the Human Genome Project (HGP). Collins, a key figure in the HGP, presents his autobiographical journey from agnosticism to Christianity, arguing for the compatibility of faith and science. The book emphasizes the significance of the human genome in understanding our existence, while also critiquing the neglect of cultural and historical contexts in the discussion of human evolution.
The author presents a review article on the book, Brave new world? Theology, ethics and the human genome, edited by Celia Deane-Drummond and published in 2003 by T&T Clark International in London. After a rather elaborate exposition, he appraises the collection of essays in terms of the dialogue between theology and the natural sciences. As an acid test, he assesses the challenge Kant, however, dealt with, namely to combine and to separate the right things.
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2005
The author presents a review article on the book, Brave new world? Theology, ethics and the human genome, edited by Celia Deane-Drummond and published in 2003 by T&T Clark International in London. After a rather elaborate exposition, he appraises the collection of essays in terms of the dialogue between theology and the natural sciences. As an acid test, he assesses the challenge Kant, however, dealt with, namely to combine and to separate the right things. Kant pushed this to extremes and ended up with both solipsism and dualism. This article tackles the challenge differently and concludes that theology is an a posteriori science and that by means of différance, knowledge of the noumenon is indeed possible. The author therefore appreciates the different contributions in the book in this light. Deane-Drummond’s proposal that a virtue ethic should be complemented by certain biblical values is therefore viewed rather sceptically. This remains a transcendental enterprise where epistemo...
Rethinking Biology: Public Understandings. Eds. Michael J. Reiss, Fraser Watts, and Harris Wiseman, 2019
This chapter deals with the religious reception of Darwinism in the public space, and with the ways in which theological reflection can help bring versions of evolutionary theory to bear within religious selfunderstanding. One issue is the public perception of biology by religious onlookers, another issue is to absorb biological insights into theological frameworks.
as a physician-geneticist. Much of his academic life was spent on the HGP and, accordingly, much of the book educates the reader on the significance and findings of the HGP and how genetics' and genomics' knowledge informs his theology. Most prominently, a major portion of the book involves Dr. Collins' working out for the reader of how faith, albeit a principally theistic and Christian religious worldview, and the theory of evolution can be harmonized in light of discoveries of genetic and genomic science. Dr. Collins later followed up this book with another book that takes us into the practical medical applications of the HGP, The Language of Life: DNA and the Revolution in Personalised Medicine (Profile Books, 2010), and an anthology that builds on his religion-related themes, Belief: Readings on the Reason for Faith (Harper Collins, 2010).
Journal of Catholic Education, 2012
The Journal of Baha'i Studies, 2007
Carol SKreneS TraBinG a young woman checked into the oncology clinic at the university of Michigan seeking information about breast cancer, after her mother, her two sisters, her aunt, and two of her aunt's children had all been diagnosed with the disease. Given their family history, another of her cousins had elected to have a prophylactic double mastectomy rather than take her chances. Was there any new research that would give her hope and allow her to avoid such a drastic measure? luckily for her, a research project by two doctors at the same clinic had recently linked breast cancer with a dangerous mutation in a gene on chromosome 17. Genetic testing showed that she did not carry the mutation that her mother and other affected relatives carried, so there was no need for the surgery. her tremendous relief was followed by genetic testing of other family members, who got their own surprises. The cousin who had had the double mastectomy years before did not carry the mutation after all. Genetic testing showed that their father did carry the dangerous mutation, and that he had in fact passed it on to five of his ten children. The mammogram of one of the daughters revealed a small tumor, which she was able to catch early through the genetic screening. The researcher whose work led to this breakthrough is francis Collinsphysical chemist, medical geneticist and longtime director of the human Genome Project. as a medical geneticist at the university of Michigan, Collins helped discover the genetic basis for cystic fibrosis, neurofibromatosis and huntington's disease. he assumed leadership of the human Genome Project after James Watson's departure, coordinating the work of thousands of geneticists in six countries. The human Genome Project began in 1998 and produced a first-draft mapping of the three billion
Journal of the scholarship of teaching and learning for Christians in higher education, 2017
The Language of God, written in 2006, spent a good bit of time on the New York Times Bestseller List. It has been the subject of many discussions, debates, and probably even quite a few arguments. Many scientists will probably claim that Francis Collins has "crossed the line" by improperly (in their view) intermingling science with faith. In contrast, many Christians probably welcome this passionate, intellectual believer. Collins, who earned a Ph.D. in physical chemistry from Yale and an M.D. from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, gained worldwide name recognition as head of the Human Genome Project and is considered one of the world's leading scientists. The groundbreaking work of the Human Genome Project succeeded in unlocking the genetic codes embedded in the famous and wondrous aspect of organic chemistry known as DNA.
Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, 1993
Colorado State University. Libraries, 2019
says: "The book ... is a real masterpiece. The author's grasp of a wide range of disciplines including theology, philosophy and various scientific disciplines, but especially biology, is mind-blowing and the width of his reading is immense. ... Reading the book straight through (although certainly not at one sitting) is like listening to a long, beautifully crafted, stirring piece of music that gradually works towards a memorable finale or slowly climbing from the plains through the foothills, with views getting better and better until one finally reaches the summit." Review in Science and Christian Belief 12 (no. 1, 2000):85-86. Frederick Ferré (Philosophy, University of Georgia) says: "Lord Gifford, whose bequest founded the famous Gifford Lectures more than a century ago with a mandate to advance `natural theology', would be proud of this book. ... Holmes Rolston III brings together the best of current information about nature, especially the history of this planet, with the persistent depths of classical concerns about the character of the ultimate nature of things. ... The massive weight of learning contained in this book is reason enough to buy and keep it, like a handy reference guide or mini-encyclopedia. ... The book is a long song in praise of self-transcending creativity. That is the kind of God the exuberant Earth reflects, and in its living, worships. Holmes Rolston deserves our thanks and congratulations for bringing this book, itself a magnificent example of creativity, into the Gifford tradition." Review in
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The New Bioethics: A Multidisciplinary Journal of Biotechnology and the Body, 2018
HTS Teologiese Studies / Theological Studies, 2000
Religions, 2020
Journal for The Study of Religion, Nature and Culture, 2007
Islamic Ethics and the Genome Question
Perspectives in Biology and Medicine, 2011
The New Bioethics, 2019
Marburg Journal of Religion, 2020