
(PDF) Offline and Online: Liveness in the Australian Music Industries

Offline and Online: Liveness in the Australian Music Industries


Authors: Keith, Sarah; Hughes, Diane; Crowdy, Denis; Morrow, Guy; Evans, Mark This article explores the concept of musical liveness, and seeks to clarify how digital technologies are changing conceptions of live performance. It draws on research into contemporary music industries in Australia. Discussions of live music performance, and liveness, are often equated to the realtime performance of music by a musician in front of an audience. However, such performance opportunities are diminishing (Johnson and Homan, 2003) due to a number of factors, including changes to venue and live music legislation. In response to this decline, a number of action groups such as SLAM (Save Live Australian Music) have formed in opposition to such policies and are reviving live music communities in certain areas.