
(PDF) ME| 1-2 Chemistry 2nd Semester

ME| 1-2 Chemistry 2nd Semester

Roll: 122076 Section B 1 | P a g e CHEMISTRY Second semester KîshØr PåshÅ 122076 CHEMISTRY -Second semester -KîshØr PåshÅ Roll: 122076 Section B 2 | P a g e Chemical Corrosion: metal converts to its Oxides when they exposed into a reactive gas Electro-chemical Corrosion : when metal emerged in conducting liquid Factors Influence Corrosion: 1. nature of the metal 2. temperature 3. concentration of elecrolyte 4. electrode potential 5. aeration 6. agitation 7. hydrogen over volteage & pH of the electrolyte Eight Forms of Corrosion: Uniform attack: