
(PPT) 1-18-08: Viral Marketing Strategies in Hollywood Cinema

1-18-08: Viral Marketing Strategies in Hollywood Cinema

FULL PAPER AVAILABLE IN: Besides the Screen: Moving Images through Distribution, Promotion and Curation eds. Virginia Crisp & Gabriel Menotti Gonring, Palgrave Macmillan (2015) The definition of viral marketing is notoriously tricky to pin down, since it tends to overlap with related concepts such as ‘buzz marketing’ or ‘word-of-mouth’. However, the strategies I will discuss in this paper are based entirely online and encourage not only referral (e.g. ‘dude you have to see this YouTube video), but immersion in and interaction with the world of the film before, during and after viewing, allowing the viewer to shape, or at least appear to shape, their cinematographic experience. Viral marketing, I argue, marks a shift away from what Justin Wyatt (1994) calls ‘high concept’ filmmaking and marketing. Campaigns for films such as The Blair Witch Project (1999), Cloverfield (2008), A.I. (2001) and The Dark Knight (2008), demonstrate a change in the relationship between producer and consumer to a stage where producers are encouraging consumers to be active, rather than passive, withholding information on forthcoming releases, and daring them to follow trails of online clues to get at it. This move to encourage agency or the appearance of agency, in the cinematographic experience is often discouraged in other areas of the industry, e.g. distribution. This paper questions the motives behind such elaborate online campaigns, arguing that the deliberate positioning of the viewer as investigator is accompanied by an extension of the filmic world (as opposed to simply an extension of narrative online) to produce a seemingly immersive experience that can be, but is not always, reflected in the aesthetics of the film itself, and that can transform a piece of marketing material into an entertainment experience in its own right.