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Cover photograph by Cathy Wood. "La PcntccostCs" -1\ll Rights Reserved© MUSEO NACIONAL DEL Pll.AD()-J\fi\DRJI).
Peacemakers' Press, 2022
The Greek word for SPIRIT is pneûma. It is found around 385 times in the New Testament texts. However, nowhere does it appear as THE Holy Spirit. Nowhere in the Old Testament does it appear either as THE Holy Spirit. If the word THE does not appear in a Bible verse you cannot add one without changing the meaning. “Let’s eat grandma is very different from “Let’s eat, grandma.”
The Thomist: A Speculative Quarterly Review, 2015
The Bible Translator, 2010
The people of Israel had different notions of the Holy Spirit as their theology grew. This work delves into the trend and also the contemporary conception of the Spirit of God.
The Holy Spirit, 2004
he role of the Spirit of God, more specifically the Holy Spirit, is essentially a NT doctrine. Until recently very few articles and monographs had been written in English on God's Spirit in the OT.I When included in biblical theologies on the Holy Spirit, the OT material is generally treated in these ways: • the OT references are mentioned in passing in order to reach the outpouring of the Spirit upon the church in the NT, the real experience of the Holy Spirit; • the OT verses specific to the phrase Holy Spirit are viewed as minimal (only three while the NT boasts over 500 occurrences); • assumptions regarding the work of the Spirit-while plentiful in each testament-are typically narrowly shaped as reverse analogy where the NT is the beginning point for a Christian understanding of the OT.2 Consequently, most expositions on the Holy Spirit rarely explore in depth OT passages where inexplicit references might suggest a more diverse description and broader activity of the Spirit of God. In this article, I examine several aspects of spiritual activity in the ministry of the OT prophets to expand and strengthen our perspectives. WAS THE HOLY SPIRIT ACTIVE IN THE OLD TESTAMENT? A common assumption for Christians is "that the Holy Spirit was present and active in OT times only in a transient, non-universal, indirect, and ultimately unsatisfying way."? In other words, only after Christ's incarnation, death, and resurrection is the Holy Spirit fully present and active. The OT itself, however, associates the activity of God's Spirit with God's work in the world and with the people of God from the very beginning of creation. Both Genesis and Isaiah of the exile testify that Yahweh's creative power is His Spirit hovering over the waters of chaos and measuring, marking, and weighing the earth and its ocean and mountains as they are made (Gen 1:2; Isa 40: 13). Every creature, including humans, breathe in only because Yahweh's Spirit (rua/:z) has been breathed out into them as the Spirit of life (Gen 6:3; Isa 42:5; Job 27:3; 33:4; 34:14-15; EcclI2:7). In this sense, the most common OT designation for "spirit" is ruah. Although it's semantic range covers breath, wind, direction, spirit, and mind, with almost 400 occurrences in the OT that are broadly distributed, rtiah. carries important theological weight." Moreover, the OT specifies particular historical contexts and consequences regarding the activity of God's Spirit with Israel. Israel's deliverance from Egyptian slavery at the Red Sea involved Yahweh's Holy Spirit> in the midst of the nation, dividing the waters, leading them through the depths, and giving them rest (lsa 63:11-14). In the wilderness, God's "good spirit" instructs, provides, and sustains the Israelites even as they grumble against him (Neh 9:20). Only as the Spirit of Yahweh abides among them, Haggai exhorts,
Journal of the Adventist Theological Society, 2018
John K. McVay. "The Holy Spirit in the New Testament." Journal of the Adventist Theological Society 29, no. 1-2 (2018): 156-191.
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This Article Was Originally Published As Tasker D Ruach Elohim the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament Ministry International Journal For Pastors 85 16 19 Issn 0026 5314, 2013
T&T Clark Handbook of Pneumatology , 2020
The Catholic Biblical Quarterly, 2008
Journal of the Evangelical Theological Society , 2012
Какво е Светия Дух? Възгледите на Свидетелите на Йехова за "святия дух" // Was ist der Heilige Geist? Die Ansicht der Zeugen Jehovas über den "Heiligen Geist" // ¿Qué es el Espíritu Santo? El punto de vista de los testigos de Jehová sobre el "espíritu santo", 2020