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This is the sixth annual review of the international network on leave policy and research, which has members and associates from 29 countries, mostly in Europe. The network covers policies for parents and others with care responsibilities, including for adult relatives, as well as policies available to the whole population such as life course career breaks and time credits. Among the purposes of this network are: the exchange of information about policies, both in individual countries and by international organisations, and research on leave policies; the provision of a forum for the cross-national discussion of issues and trends in policy and research; and providing a source of regularly updated information on policies and research. Amongst other activities, the network organises an annual seminar, the last one being held in Prague in September 2009, and produces an annual review of leave policies and research. The review is based on country notes, from 29 countries in the current review, 20 of which are EU member states and one, Croatia, which is in the process of negotiating accession; other countries include Australia, Canada, Iceland, Norway, South Africa, the Russian Federation and the USA. These notes provide information on current leave policies in the countries represented in the network, recent developments in policy, information on take-up, and a listing of recent publications and ongoing research. 2 Drew, E. (2005) Parental leave in Council of Europe member states. Strasbourg: Council of Europe (Equality Division, Directorate-General of Human Rights).
European Journal of Political Research, 2006
The only changes in the cabinet occurred within the SP.a faction in the federal government, when the Flemish Socialist Party president Steve Stevaert decided to become the governor of the province of Limburg (announced on 25 May 2005). The party rapidly decided that he would be succeeded, after the parliamentary recess, by federal Deputy Prime Minister Johan Vande Lanotte. As only candidate, Vande Lanotte was elected with 93.4 per cent of the votes at a party congress on 15 October. He was replaced as federal Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Budget by the 30 year-old Freya Van den Bossche, the federal Minister of Employment. Her former portfolio was added to that of the Secretary of State for Computerisation of the State, Peter Van Velthoven, who was promoted to the rank of minister. Vande Lannotte's portfolio of Public Enterprise was given (as a secretariat of state) to a non-
The present document may be made available in more than one electronic version or in print. In any case of existing or perceived difference in contents between such versions, the reference version is the Portable Document Format (PDF). In case of dispute, the reference shall be the printing on ETSI printers of the PDF version kept on a specific network drive within ETSI Secretariat. Users of the present document should be aware that the document may be subject to revision or change of status. Information on the current status of this and other ETSI documents is available at ETSI deliverable status If you find errors in the present document, please send your comment to one of the following services: ETSI Committee Support Staff No part may be reproduced except as authorized by written permission. The copyright and the foregoing restriction extend to reproduction in all media.
In this work, we extend the Hegselmann and Krause (HK) model, presented in [16] to an arbitrary metric space. We also present some theoretical analysis and some numerical results of the condensing of particles in finite and continuous metric spaces. For simulations in a finite metric space, we introduce the notion "random metric" using the split metrics studies by Dress and al. [2,.
Open and Distance Education in Australia, Europe and the Americas, 2018
Nearly 50 years ago, urged universities to become aware of life 'beyond the stable state ' and Toffler (1970) predicted that the information age would force academia to accommodate an 'accelerating pace of change.' Their prescient observations about the future have characterized American higher education for nearly 50 years, perhaps best exemplified by the role distance education (DE) has played in this process. DE's remarkable progression in the US arena began well before the electronic era, extending over a 225-year period. It is a phenomenon that perhaps represents the most significant transformation within academe in a millennium, presenting exciting opportunities and formidable challenges. This chapter offers a descriptive analysis and commentary of key aspects of DE at the post-secondary level in the US, with perspectives gained from the author's 35 years of scholarship and practice in the field. Caleb Phillips can be credited as the 'father' of distance education in the US, who in 1728, advertised in the Boston Gazette that any persons in the country desirous of learning shorthand could be sent weekly lessons via the postal service, and be as well instructed as those living in Boston. Anna Tucker, founder of the Bostonbased Society to Encourage Study at Home (1873-1897), might be considered the 'mother' of American correspondence education. In 1883, Illinois Wesleyan College founded the Correspondence University, and
Notes 1 The scheme was closed to new applicants on 31 March 2019, leaving the future support for small-scale generation uncertain. 2 The proportion for the 2006-2007 Renewables Obligation period (Ofgem 2008). 3 The Utilities Act 2000 had made provision for this eventuality. 4 The UK distinguishes between microgenerators, with installed peak capacity below 50 kW, and small-scale generators, which have installed peak capacity between 50 kW and 5 MW (Wood and Dow 2011: 2232).
Le monde dans tous ses États, 3e édition, 2016
We explore what benefits network position in online business social networks like LinkedIn might confer to an aspiring entrepreneur. We compare two network attributes, size and embeddedness, and two actor attributes, location and diversity, between virtual and real-world networks. The promise of social networks like LinkedIn is that network friends enable easier access to critical resources such as legal and financial services, customers, and business partners. Our setting consists of one million public member profiles of the German business networking site XING (a German version of LinkedIn) from which we extracted the network structure of 15,000 startup entrepreneurs from twelve large German universities. We find no positive effect of virtual network size and embeddedness, and small positive effects of location and diversity.
Marjo Eskola holds an MA with English Philology as the main subject and Film and Television Studies and British and Irish Studies as secondary subjects. She has worked at the University of Helsinki in various administrative and academic positions since 2006 and is occupied with studies in Cultural Management. Marjo has written a multidisciplinary Master's thesis on the functions of non-standard English in literature and film ('The Functions of Non-standard English in Literature and Film: A Case Study on Roddy Doyle's The Commitments', (ECL)) and produced research reports for the Identities and modernities in Europe project in 2009 and 2010.
Comparative Public Administration, 2024
Central America is one of the world's most herpetological diverse areas in relation to its size. Nicaragua is the largest country in this region and separates Nuclear from Lower Central America. It is one of the least herpetological explored countries in Central America and few studies dealing with the herpetofauna of a potion or the entire country have been published. I here update the checklist of the Nicaraguan herpetofauna, present taxonomic revisions of some difficult species complexes, compare the similarities of the composition of the herpetofaunal communities in the major forest formations present in the country within a zoogeographical context, and identify those species with a greater vulnerability risk in Nicaragua. die beiden neuen Arten in der Größe der Kehlfahne des Männchens und der Färbung Neben einem Bestimmungsschlüssel werden Abbildung der Kopfbeschuppung, des ausgestülpten Hemipenis, der Kehlfahne, Verbreitungskarten und standardisierte Beschreibungen sowohl der beiden neuen Arten als auch A. limifrons vorgelegt. • Zwei neue Salamanderarten der Gattung Bolitoglossa aus Süd-Nicaragua werden beschrieben. Bolitoglossa indio stammt vom Rio Indio im Tiefland der Rio San Juan -Region; B. insularis kommt an den prämontanen Hängen des Maderas-Vulkans auf der Insel Ometepe vor. Die Verwandtschaftsbeziehungen der beiden neuen Arten zu den anderen Arten dieser Gattung sind unklar, sie unterscheiden sich jedoch in der Farbgebung. Bolitoglossa indio ähnelt am stärksten B. mexicana und B. odonelli, von denen sich die neue Art durch ihre verschwommenen breiten dorsolateralen braunen Streifen abgrenzen lässt. Bolitoglossa insularis zeigt die größte Ähnlichkeit zu B. mombachoensis und B. striatula, weist aber keine klaren hellen oder dunklen Streifen an Bauch und Rücken auf. • Eine neue Art der Froschgattung Craugastor vom Río San Juan in Süd-Nicaragua wird beschrieben. Craugastor chingopetaca wird der fitzingeri-Gruppe zugeordnet, unterscheidet sich von den meisten anderen Arten dieser Gruppe durch das Fehlen eines blassen Kehlstreifens. Innerhalb der fitzingeri-Gruppe ähnelt die neue Art am stärksten C. crassidigitus und C. talamancae. Eine Abgrenzung ist anhand mehrerer morphologischer Merkmale wie stärker ausgebildete Schwimmhäute, eingekerbte Fingerscheiben und die relative Zehenlänge möglich. • Erste Belegexemplare für Nicaragua von die Arten Cochranella spinosa, Kinosternon angustipons, Mesaspis moreletii, Cnemidophorus lemniscatus and Adelphicos quadrivirgatum wurden gesammelt. Beschreibung, Abbildungen und kurze ökologische Angaben werden für die fünf neuen Landesnachweise vorgelegt. x
Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union; 2012. Report No. ISBN 978-92-79-23357-9., 2012
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Encyclopedia of the World's Coastal Landforms, 2010
Journal of Contemporary European Research, 2021
American University International Law Review, 1986
Proceedings of the International Ocean Discovery Program, 2017
Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games, 2010
Electronic Technology and Civil Procedure, 2012