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73 pages
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AI-generated Abstract
Housing and community development in informal settlements like Bolaq elDakroor presents numerous challenges, including inadequate infrastructure, high unemployment rates, and limited access to healthcare and educational facilities. The study undertakes preliminary surveys to analyze existing conditions and formulate a program design by reviewing national and international experiences in upgrading slum areas. The ultimate aim is to promote sustainable community participation in enhancing living conditions through effective policy implementation and infrastructure development.
Environment and Urbanization, 2005
This paper investigates the recently launched privatization of local solid waste management in Cairo, focusing on its adverse effects on the economy and on the urban settlement system of the Zabaleen garbage collectors' communities. According to the official development strategy, the privatization of solid waste services is fundamental to overall government plans for the rehabilitation of areas of historical Cairo. But the objectives of the rehabilitation plans tend to favour business interests while threatening the interests of the local population. The findings of a study on the situation emphasize the significance of poverty alleviation initiatives in restructuring solid waste collection and developing the recycling industry, and the development of new channels for cooperation and partnership between the garbage collectors' association (Gammiya), grassroots organizations, local authorities and multinational waste management companies. In order to promote sustainable livelihoods and better opportunities for the urban poor, the study emphasizes the need among the low-income Zabaleen to draw on the sustainable flow of local resources, while seeking new means of supporting land acquisition and its development for improved housing standards, basic services and environmental quality.
Based on Law number 32 year 2009 article 22 sub 1 “every effort and or activities which has a affirmative impact it’s urgent toward environment for having an Analysis of Environmental Impact (AMDAL)” and article 34 sub 1 “every effort and or activities which not include on obligatory of analysis of environmental impact criteria, obligatory to have UKL-UPL”. This environmental document is used as the instrument to prevent the spreading out and to prevent the outcome which product from effort, than every pioneer who make bad outcome or negative outcome toward environment in physically or unphysical obligatory to make environmental expedience document before the effort run. Yogyakarta is the one city which done about garbage managing and environmental utilization little much better than other country, there are so many indicators of the requirements, there are so many big tress around the big street, no illegal garbage basket in city, and the last it’s seen at the garbage basket, the local government divided into 3 places in throwing garbage, dried garbage, soaked garbage, and organic garbage. The main point in choosing Yogyakarta city for this research is because in Yogyakarta city has been published all the things about environmental system, the programs of environmental managing, the chief who likes to do the recycle and loving the nature, even if in Garbage, and the last is having a good Analysis of environmental impact. The differentiation between DKI Jakarta is, not all people in Jakarta cares about the garbage, they just throw around as they want without think what the negative impact of illegal throwing, and the result of that is there are so many flood in Jakarta it can be twice in a year and more. The place which is got the flood is the village close by river. In other side DKI Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia, than allowed to Jakarta to keep the environmental system, keeping nature, and make the comfortable zone toward the entire of domestic visitors. The researcher will discuss deeply about the implementation of Law about AMDAL and Garbage Management
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2018
Speaking of garbage is a serious matter since it has become a classic problem in every city in Indonesia, including in Denpasar City. Garbage produced per day in Denpasar City is ± 4000m³, which 70% is of the composition of organic waste and the rest is inorganic, where 11% of plastic waste is difficult to decompose by nature. The issue of waste in the city of Denpasar is not only a matter of collecting, separating the types of waste and recycling, but also of how to arouse public awareness. One of the efforts made by the government in overcoming and managing the waste problem is issuing of Law Number 18 year 2008 on Waste Management and supplemented by Government Regulation Number 81 year 2012 on Household Solid Waste and Household-like Solid Waste Management. To implement both thses laws and regulations, especially on household waste management, the Ministry of Environment then issued the Regulation No. 13/2012 on Guidelines for Implementing Reduce, Reuse, Recycle through Waste Bank. Through Waste Bank, communities are demanded to take responsibility for the waste they produce by asking them to sort the organic waste and inorganic in their respective homes and deliver it to the waste bank. The results indicate that the application of 3R based on community participation, either directly or indirectly, in waste management in Denpasar City has been well in accordance with the principle of waste bank itself. Community participation-based waste bank plays a substantial role in the management of waste in accordance with the principle of waste bank itself. Notwithstanding, supporting facilities and infrastructures in the waste management in the city are still insufficient. Hence, government needs to action of regularly socializing about waste management to the community.
Journal of Al-Azhar University Engineering Sector, 2017
This paper aims to present in details the most common challenges faced by slum dwellers and rise during the upgrading and replacement projects in both Makkah and Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. The research focuses on social, economical and constructional challenges from the dwellers point of view. The slum problem is growing rapidly in Saudi Arabia in general. Makkah and Jeddah are two main cities which have the slums problems very clear. Many researches explored the slums phenomena in the two cities, but they did not cover all aspects of the problem. Many social, economical and constructional challenges need to be studied. To achieve this goal, an interviews survey was conducted with 36 family heads living in slums in Jeddah and Makkah. The required data were formed in a survey consisting of 26 questions about the different challenges. The questionnaire was classified into four sections including general information, current available facilities, presence of upgrading or replacement projects, and finally the social challenges impact on slum dwellers. The questionnaire results are analyzed and findings are extracted. Regarding replacement projects, the most emphasized survey result is the unsatisfaction of the dwellers toward the properties compensation amount due to high prices of lands and construction costs of new alternative houses. The most impressive social challenge is the negative impact of desertion of the place in which dwellers were born and lived for most of their lives which lead to the rejection of slum projects. Sometimes, this rejection took the form of violent resistance of dwellers to evacuate slums as a preparatory stage for the demolition. Therefore, the majority of such projects were usually delayed and stopped for months. Other obstacles were represented in the closure of roads during the upgrading projects and consequently, the halting of the economic activities such as local commercial shops. It is highly recommended to revise the properties compensation system. Also, the quality of life in the upgraded slums should be maximized through the improvement of different infrastructure services including pure water, sanitary, and electricity services. Some other services can be introduced such as the construction of new parks, playgrounds, sporting clubs and other means of entertainment for the sake of the current dwellers and the next generations.
Habitat International, 2006
The paper investigates recently launched plans to privatize solid-waste management in Cairo, focusing on its adverse effects on the sustainability of the associated recycling economy and urban settlement system of the garbage collectors communities (Zabaleen) located within the Muqattam mountain area which is adjacent to Cairo's old historical quarters. According to official development strategy, the privatization of solid-waste services is regarded as fundamental to overall government plans for Old Cairo's rehabilitation. The objectives of the rehabilitation programme tend to favour touristorientated projects, whilst ignoring the local population's interests through the removal of informal Zabaleen settlements in Muqattam mountain, and through the clearing of the Eastern Cemetery of its tomb dwellers and shanty town buildings.
Waste Management can simply be said to be the disposal of wastes or handling of waste materials. There are several forms of handling of wastes since wastes can be generated in all sorts of way ranging from ordinary household wastes to industrial generated wastes. This is done in many residential and non-residential areas of Lusaka City. In addition, as development and population increases waste management also has become increasingly complex problems to many parts within the city of Lusaka, as it is clear that over 50% of Lusaka’s population live in shanty compounds. This research report is on waste management in Garden compound of Lusaka. The uncollected waste contributes to the air, water and land pollution. For instance, during the research, flies were seen swarming around large heaps of garbage. This indicates that the garbage areas are sources of diseases and bad smell. It is therefore clear that not all the waste is collected. The rest is burned, buried in backyards or illegally dumped, with cholera as a result. In the study area, the companies involved in waste or garbage collection are slow or take time to collect the bins. There were areas that had bins or containers waiting to collected but garbage was dumped carelessly. In some areas, people dumped garbage in unauthorized areas making the whole area look dirty. The concept of realization is not fully implemented so as to control urban drift. Capacity building and political will can contribute to improve sanitation situation in urban settlements were leaks from sewer pipes, waste stabilization ponds and illegal sewer connections are common. This proves the hypothesis to be true.
Solid waste management is one of the major responsibilities of local governments world over. The responsibility is complex and depends very much on organization and cooperation between households, private enterprises and municipal authorities. Successful solid waste management also depends on wise identification and application of appropriate technical solutions in waste collection at generation points, transfer, recycling and disposal. Yet still, waste management is an essential task which must be performed, but at the same time expose those involved to causes of ill health. The first goal of solid waste management is to promote the health of urban population, especially low-income groups. Second, solid waste management aims at promoting environmental quality by controlling pollution. Third, it supports urban economic development by creating demand for waste management services and ensuring the efficient use and conservation of valuable materials and resources. Finally, it aims at ...
ICCD, 2019
Environmental sanitation is part of public health which includes the principles of efforts to eliminate or master environmental factors that can cause disease through activities aimed at (i) water sanitation, (ii) food sanitation, (iii) sewage systems, (iv) air sanitation, (v) vector control and disease rodents, (vi) home hygiene. When sanitation problems arise in dense residential areas that are not well ordered and are also not handled in a way that is not sanitary, it will pollute the surrounding environment. Changes in community behavior to be more environmentally friendly do not just happen, but through the process of forming behavior that has a background and motivation. The motivation then raises behavior that influences the actions and efforts of the community towards the sustainability of the activity. So that this study will also analyze the role of the community and other involved stakeholders in the mechanism of improving the sanitation of the slum environment. MCK manag...
Garbage can be said as a leftover or wasted goods can couse big problems in the future if it not being managed properly, Naturally, household waste and other types of waste have different decomposition times, and there is even waste that can be categorized as non-biodegradable by nature. Waste that is managed wisely by using the principles of Reduce, Reuse, Replace and Recycling things that are considered wasted and not useful can still be something meaningful. The rapid rate of garbage accumulation can cause some disease, damaging the environment and nature, and cause unpleasant sights and odors. Education is an action that given to the community so they have the knowledge and care to protect the environment. In educating the community, it is also necessary to be motivated so that the community has enthusiasm and passion. The education that has been given to the community of Sukajadi Subdistrict, Bandung, has caused the participants' knowledge to increase by 24%. The continuati...
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Sainteks : Jurnal Sain dan Teknik, 2023
Design Philosophy Papers, 2017, 2021
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University, 2021
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE), 2019
Nuradin Mohamed Abi, 2020
Urban projects in Casablanca: New Urban forms in experimentation. , 2023
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science