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Anadolu Selçuklu ve Beylikler dönemi yap›lar›nda devflirme malzeme kullan›m› yayg›nd›r. Anadolu'daki Ortaça¤ kentleri ço¤unlukla Roma, Bizans dönemlerinden beri süreklili¤ini koruyan yerleflimler oldu¤u için önceden varolan an›tlar›n malzemeleri geçmifle öykünmek, kutsal saymak ya da haz›r malzemenin kullan›lmas› gibi ekonomik nedenlerle tercih edilmifltir. Genellikle yap›larda Roma ve Bizans dönemlerine ait devflirme malzemeler / mimari plastik eserler kullan›lmakla birlikte, baz› örneklerde ayn› dönem ya da kültürlere ait malzemelerin de devflirildi¤i görülmektedir. Önemli olan uygarl›k ve zaman fark› olmay›p malzemenin en az ikinci defa yeniden kullan›m›d›r. Devflirilen malzeme ifllevine uygun kul-lan›labildi¤i gibi k›smen veya tamamen ifllenerek farkl› bir ifllevle de de¤erlendirilebilmektedir.
Özet Anadolu Selçuklu ve Beylikler dönemi yap›lar›nda devflirme malzeme kullan›m› yayg›nd›r. Anadolu'daki Ortaça¤ kentleri ço¤unlukla Roma, Bizans dönemlerinden beri süreklili¤ini koruyan yerleflimler oldu¤u için önceden varolan an›tlar›n malzemeleri geçmifle öykünmek, kutsal saymak ya da haz›r malzemenin kullan›lmas› gibi ekonomik nedenlerle tercih edil-mifltir. Genellikle yap›larda Roma ve Bizans dönemlerine ait devflirme malzemeler / mimari plastik eserler kullan›lmakla birlikte, baz› örneklerde ayn› dönem ya da kültürlere ait malzemelerin de devflirildi¤i görülmektedir. Önemli olan uygarl›k ve zaman fark› olmay›p malzemenin en az ikinci defa yeniden kullan›m›d›r. Devflirilen malzeme ifllevine uygun kul-lan›labildi¤i gibi k›smen veya tamamen ifllenerek farkl› bir ifllevle de de¤erlendirilebilmekte-dir. Abstract It was common to use Antique materials in the buildings during Anatolian Seljuks and Emirates periods. As the Medieval Anatolian cities existed since the Roman, Byzantine times, materials of the already existing monuments were preferred to be used in order to express admiration for the past, as well as for religious and economic reasons. Generally, the Antique materials and architectural plastic examples of Roman and Byzantine periods were used in the buildings; however, in some examples, the materials from the same period and culture can be seen. What is important is not the difference of period or culture, but the fact that the material was used at least twice. The Antique material could be used not only in accordance with its original function but also in a partly, or totally new manner.
2022 Yılı Türk Dünyası Kültür Başkenti Tarih ve Şehir Sempozyumu, 2022
Çanakkale Araştırmaları Türk Yıllığı
Osmanlılar, erken dönemlerden itibaren harabe halindeki Yunan, Roma ve Bizans yapılarındaki kullanılabilecek malzemeleri, çoğu zaman ekonomik, bazen sembolik, bazen de estetik nedenlerle kullanmışlardır. Bu çalışmada Osmanlı belgeleri ve Batılı seyyahların raporlarına dayanarak 15 ve 16. yüzyıllarda İstanbul'da kullanılan devşirme malzemeler ve nereden geldikleri üzerinde durulacaktır.
Ortaçağ Anadolu Türk Mimari Bezemesinde Vakvak Üslubu
Türkiye'de Bizans Çalışmaları, Durak K. - Necipoğlu N. - Uyar T. (ed.), 197-213, 2022
İnsanoğlunun tarihi kendine özgü bir şekilde kendini gösterebilecek ve insanoğlunun yeni günlerine dönüşecek. İçerisinde bulunduğu çevrenin zararlarından korunmak için ortaya çıkan barmadan kendisinden biridir. Avcı toplayıcı insan barınma ağaçkovuklarına ve mağaralara ilk iyi gidermiştir. Neolitik olarak tasarlanabilecek araçlarla tasarlanabilecek hayata döndürülebilir, yaşanabilir olanlarla tasarlanabilir ve silindirlerden kaba öğütülmüş tarım makineleriyle tasarlanabilir evler içinde. Evlerin inşasında çevrede kolay ulaşılabilen taşlar, aynı şekilde kullanılmış olanlardan yararlanılabilirpiçlerden bunlardan yararlanmışlardır. Yapı malzemesi olarak kullanılan bu çevrede kolay ve bol miktarda kullanılır. Anadolu'da da bol olduğu, İklimin görünümünde inşa edilecek yapılarda ağaç kullanımı kullanımtayken; istikametten görünüş taş malzeme; taş ve içeriğinde kullanılan karasal iklimin adından Anadolu temelli bir malzeme olan kerpiç kullanıldı. Kerpicin neolitik çağa (M.Ö. 9000) kad...
Devşirme Malzemenin (Spolia) Yeniden Doğuşu: Antikçağ’dan Osmanlı’ya Anadolu’da Objelerin, Materyallerin ve Mekânların Sonraki Yaşamları, ed. Suzan Yalman and Ivana Jevtić, trans. Hayrullah Doğan (Istanbul: ANAMED, 2018), 297–315., 2018
Türkiye Araştırmaları Literatür Dergisi, 2009
TÜRK MİMARİSİNİN Anadolu coğrafyasında geçirdiği sürecin başat özelliği taşın temel yapı malzemesi olmasıdır. Buna bağlı olarak Anadolu Türk mimarisinin tüm dönemlerinde (Selçuklu, Beylikler ve Osmanlı) aynı yoğunlukta olmasa da taş süsleme örneklerini görmek mümkündür.
Arkhaia Anatolika 3, 2020
In this study, which discusses the anta, plaster and pier capitals found in Doric buildings in Anatolia, the capitals have been grouped according to the form of the profiles, and each profile has been evaluated in itself. As a result of this grouping, it was determined that various profiles such as Doric cyma, cyma reversa, ovolo and Pergamene type of ovolo were used in Doric buildings. These profiles are described in detail with emphasis on their style developments. In addition to this, buildings whose dates are controversial, were evaluated and re-examined in terms of the style features of the Doric architectural blocks, and new dates were suggested for some of them. The canonical form of Doric anta capitals consists of Doric cyma (hakwsbeak). This capital type was worked in Anatolia from 4th century BC to the end of the 2nd century BC. An ovolo-type hawksbeak was used in the 4th century BC, while a cyma reversa-type hawksbeak was used in the majority examples of the 3rd century BC and all examples of the 2nd century BC. On the hawksbeak, the style development can be followed on the shape of the lower end of the beak and on the cyma reversa profiles. On the Doric anta capitals, the hawksbeak is crowned with a cavetto. However, as in the early examples, capitals crowned with a vertical fascia were also identified. The exception is the presence of the crown profile consisting of cyma recta, seen in two examples only. In the capitals, the concave curvature of the cavetto profile is well shaped and, in early examples, this profile ends with a fascia that is not too high. The height of the fascia starts to increase in the 2nd century BC examples. The capitals consisting of the cyma reversa profile, which is thought to have been inspired by Doric anta capitals, were used in the Temple of Athena at Assos in the Archaic Period. L.T. Shoe stated that the Hellenistic examples of these types of capitals belonging to the Doric order in Anatolia are limited to Priene buildings alone. However, in this study, in addition to the examples from Priene, examples were also identified from Mamurt Kale, Latmos Heracleia, Assos and Pergamon in the Hellenistic Period, as well as from Aphrodisias, Mylasa, Bargylia and Knidos in the Late Hellenistic-Augustus Period. In the anta capitals, the depth of the cyma reversa profile is generally equal to its width, and the upper curve is smaller than the lower curve. The capitals in this group are mostly crowned with cavetto, like the capitals consisting of Doric cyma. There are very few examples in which vertical fascia have been preferred. In the other type of anta capital, the ovolo is the chief moulding and has a crowning cavetto and a base apophyge, sometimes also an astragal. The earliest example is from Epidaurus in the late 4th century BC and were used in the Stoa of Attalos at Delphi in the second half of the 3rd century BC. The Hellenistic examples of these types of capitals, which are widely used in Hellenistic houses in Delos, are few in Anatolia. The capitals consisting of ovolo have become the most preferred capital type in Doric buildings since the beginning of the Early Imperial Period. While all Hellenistic examples were crowned with cavettos, Roman examples have abacus. In these examples, the use of ovolo combined with cavetto shows that the cavetto, which was a crown profile in the early examples, was moved to the capital’s main profile scheme. The capitals consisting of the Pergamene type of ovolo were especially widespread in the second half of the 1st century AD, and were used in this period together with capitals consisting of ovolo and cavetto. Different arrangements have been identified on the necking of the Doric and Ionic anta capitals used in the buildings built in the Doric order. Below the hawksbeak, the double fillet of the 5th century is revived. In a few cases, the fillets are narrow and deep and set close together, but usually they are broad and shallow and widely separated, the lower one generally cut at the bottom of the block, which forms the capital. The fact that these fillets are seen in both Doric and Ionic capitals is evidence of interaction. Some examples had a plain vertical fascia below the hawksbeak, cyma reversa or ovolo, sometimes large and sometimes small. This fascia sets the capital a little forward from the face of anta. The rosette frieze seen in a few examples shows that they were influenced by Attic-Ionic type anta capitals.
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