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العلاقةُ بينَ علم البلاغة وعلم التّفسير تبادُليّة؛ لأنَّ بذورَ علم البلاغة نشأت في أحضان المفسِّرين الأوائل وفي رحاب القرآن الكريم، وبعدَ أنْ نَضِجَ علمُ البلاغةِ أفادَ منه المفسِّرون، فرأينا التَّفاسيرَ البيانيّةَ التي تعتني بإعجاز القرآن الكريم لُغويّاً وبلاغيّاً، وتلتفتُ إلى جمال عبارتِه وتمثيلاته وموسيقاه. فالمقالُ سيوضحُ هذه العلاقةَ، ثَُّ يُبيُِّ أنَّ تحصيلَ علومِ البلاغةِ شرطٌ لازمٌ وغيرُ كافٍ لمَن أرادَ تفسيرَ القرآن الكريم، وأنَّ علمَ البلاغةِ علمٌ قرآنيّ؛ والجهلُ به يُفضي إلى الأوهام والأخطاء في فهم الآيات، وكلُّ ذلك مقرونٌ بالأمثلة الموضِّحة.Belağat ilmiyle Kuran tefsiri arasında karşılıklı bir ilişki vardır. Çünkü belağat ilminin asılları, ilk müfessirlerin ellerinde ve Kur’an-ı Kerim’e bağlı olarak ortaya çıktı. Belağat ilminin temelleri sağlamlaştıktan sonra ise müfessirler bu ilimden istifade ettiler. Böylece lüğat ve belağat cihetinden Kur’an’ın mucize oluşuyla ilgilenen ve Kuran’ın ibarelerinin, örneklerinin ve musikisinin güzelliğine yönelen beyani tefsirler görmek...
Basic Education College Magazine For Educational and Humanities Sciences, 2018
New literary critical opinions have appeared in the second half of the 20 th century among which is intertextuality. It is also known as quotation, implication, citing and imitation. Julia Cristeva, a Bulgarian linguist and researcher, was the first to use this term in the sixties. Intertextuality is a new phenomenon that includes old concepts in the Arabic literature. When we read the divan of Ka'b bin Malik, an early Islamic poet, we see that his poetry is rich with the Quranic intertextuality directly or indirectly. The research attempts to elucidate some examples from this intertextuality relying on the analytical-functional model.
مجلة الحكمة للدّراسات والأبحاث, 2022
INDONESIA: Interaksi pendidikan adalah hubungan antara guru dan murid untuk mencapai tujuan yaitu mengubah tingkah laku untuk mengantarkan anak didik ke arah kedewasaannya. Interaksi pendidikan ini penting agar peserta didik lebih peduli dengan tingkah laku disamping pengetahuannya, dan peserta didik memiliki kompetensi yang bagus sehingga mampu menghadapi tantangan Asean Economic Community. Untuk mencapai tujuan tersebut, maka diperlukan upaya guru dalam memilih dan menerapkan interaksi pendidikan yang tepat dan sesuai dengan petunjuk Alquran khususnya surat al-Kahfi ayat 60-82. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk: (1) mendiskripsikan dam memahami interaksi pendidikan yang digunakan dalam surat al-Kahfi ayat:60-82, (2) mendiskripsikan dan memahami tentang hasil interaksi murid (Nabi Musa) terhadap gurunya (Nabi Khidir) yang terdapat dalam surat al-Kahfi ayat: 60-82 yang sesuai untuk direalisasikan di zaman sekarang. Untuk mencapai tujuan diatas, digunakan pendekatan penelitian kuali...
مجلة علوم اللغة والأدب, 2023
Alustath Journal for Human and Social Sciences
The study of the reasons for the difference of jurists in the development is an attempt to alleviate the tension caused by the difference between them, as well as being the presentation of the culture of opinion and opinion of the other, not every difference between scientists leads to the boycott and quarrel among the common people, is a sincere invitation to show that we disagree with The dispute, we want to clarify that there are natural reasons are called for the difference, such as issues follow the character of the jurist, through the nature of the language that the Koran came down, which led to differences of scholars in the extraction of the Koran
مجلة الدراسات اللغوية والأدبية (Journal of Linguistic and Literary Studies)
ملخص البحث: يتناول هذا البحث موضوع الإعلامية التي تعْنى بمدى ما يتصف به النص من عناصر متوقعة مقابل عناصر غير متوقعة ومعلومة مقابل غير معلومة بالنسبة للمتلقين، ويقصد بالمتلقين في هذا البحث متلقو القرآن الكريم على وجه الخصوص. وبما أنّ النصوص القرآنية نصوص إلهية، فمن المتوقع أن تتميّز إعلاميته من سائر النصوص البشرية؛ ولذا، يهدف هذا البحث إلى إبراز بعض تجليات الإعلامية العامة في القرآن الكريم من خلال المحاور التالية: الآيات المتشابهة، و"اللغة الجديدة"، والحروف المقطعة، والإشارات العلمية في القرآن. وقد تمّ مناقشة هذه المحاور المختصة بالقرآن في ضوء الإطار العام لمبادئ نظرية الإعلامية، وبيان أثر هذه التجليّات الإعلامية في التلقي عند الجاهليين، والعلماء القدامى والمعاصرين. وتوصّل الباحثان إلى أنّ القرآن يحتوي على درجات مختلفة من الإعلامية، بعضها منخفض وهو المحكم من الآيات، وبعضها مرتفع وهو المتشابه من الآيات، وأن القدامى من المفسرين والعلماء قد بذلوا جهودهم في خفض إعلامية القرآن الكريم من خلال القرآن نفسه، والحديث الشريف، وأقوال الصحابة والتابعين، ومن خلال الإشارات العلمية، وكذلك ...
مجلة کلية الآداب, 2020
Filologičeskie nauki. Voprosy teorii i praktiki
OKARA: Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra
The most representative indicator of the success of Arabic learning process is the fluency of the students' speaking by using Arabic. This study aims to determine whether there are students who are fluent in spoken Arabic, to identify the students' characteristics who are categorically fluent in spoken Arabic, to identify how students gain fluency in spoken Arabic based on Ma'ani science perspective. This is a descriptive qualitative study, the data collected by using interviews, questionnaires, and observation. The data sources were the preachers/teachers and the students who were active and had been active in the Arabic Language Center of Darul Ulum Islamic Boarding School of Banyuanyar. The results of this study revealed: First, students who are fluent in spoken Arabic were classified as fluent after studying Arabic for four months at the Arabic Language Center. Second, there are four indicators of students to be classified as fluent Arabic speakers, the first and the most representative indicator is the proficiency of students in Arabic debate contest in various themes, the second is students' ability to converse using Arabic in many different situations, the third is the ability to talk using the original Arabic, and the fourth is the students' ability in a Arabic speech. The way the students gain fluency in spoken Arabic is dependent on the personality of each student. The diligent students tend to have high spirit in practicing conversational Arabic, acquiring and learning Arabic, and also supported by strong intelligence, then they will acquire fluency in speaking Arabic.
International Journal of Islamic Thought
The science of `adad constitutes an integral part of Quranic-affiliated knowledge. Its main discussion is about the beginning and ending of the verse of the Quran as well as distinction numbering of the verses. There are seven famous opinions in `adad, namely; Madani Awwal, Madani Akhir, Makki, Kufi, Basri, Shami and Himshi. The difference of opinions in the determination of Quranic verses does not only affect the calculation of the total number of verses in the Qur'an, but also contribute to the differences in the nature of mushaf (printed Quran). This is because the scholars have variant views on determining the madhdhab (opinion) of 'adad relied upon by some qiraat mutawatirah and its riwayah. Thus, this study explores and gathers the views of the scholars in determining the madhdhab (opinion) for respective qiraat mutawatirah, and identify their justifications. This study will then examine the effect of the dispute on mushaf Quran. To achieve the aforementioned objectives, content analysis method was adopted to bring together the views of scholars in determining opinions for each qiraat mutawatirah, and to analyze descriptively the narrations of all opinions to explain the cause of the disagreement among the scholars. In order to know the impact of the differences in `adad on mushaf Quran, induction methods was used on the mushaf Quran which has been printed in several countries with distinctive qiraat mutawatirah. This study finds that the sanad (chain of transmitter) in narrating `adad forms is the contributing factor in dissenting scholars in determining credible opinion for each qiraat mutawatirah. In regards to the printing of mushaf, most of the printed mushafs are aligned with the opinion of scholars in determining the number of the verses, whereas only a few of mushaf which do not comply with such opinion.
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HuRuf Journal : International Journal of Arabic Applied Linguistic
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