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2014, Савремена проучавања језика и књижевности
14 pages
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The aim of this paper is to propose a theoretical model for analyse of words and expressions of power. In the first part of the paper the countability of apstract noun vlast is analysed. The second part of the paper contains analyse of words with prefixes nad, pod and pred. The final part of the deals with two problems: constriction of expressions with prepositions nad i pred (vladati nad, biti pod nečijom vlašću) and construction of expressions with preposition pred (izneti pred skupštinu, izvesti pred sud). The basis for the analyze is distincion between two axis of interaction: horizontal and vertical. One of the conclusions of the paper is that spacial relations effect on construction of words and expressions of power in the Serbian language. Key words: power, vertical / horizontal axis, countability
Петер Хандке у средишту света: Двострукост и њено превазилажење у делу Други мач Петера Хандкеа, 2022
THE DUALITY IN PETER HANDKE’S THE SECOND SWORD AND WAYS TO OVERCOME IT The subject of this paper was the analysis of the principal of duality and ways to overcome it within the Serbian translation of the novel The Second Sword by Peter Handke. The analysis was conducted on the translation done by Žarko Radaković and published by Laguna in the year 2020. The principal of duality was observed on the thematic plane as well as on the linguistic level. One can note that Handke introduced duality with consistent methods, only to negate it in the end. Within the narrative the reader follows two storylines, the story of revenge and the story of its negation. The most prominent symbols that Handke employs are smoke clouds, butterflies, sword and pen. In this book, as is the case with his earlier works, Hanke puts the emphasis on language and the negation of meaning originates from his tearing down the established linguistic structures. Key words: The Second Sword, Peter Handke, duality, translation, stylistics.
Књижевност и језик 70/2, 2023
The aim of the paper is to study the status of subordinate clauses introduced by the general contextually dependent causal conjunction budući (da) in the administrative-legal style of the 19th century Serbian language. The corpus consists of constitutions introduced during the 19th and early 20th centuries (1835, 1838, 1869, 1888, 1901), as well as of laws from the Collection of Laws, Regulations and Decrees from the Principality/Kingdom of Serbia. In the analysis we used a combination of semantic-syntactic methods and methods from historical linguistics and functional stylistics. We found two forms of the observed conjunctions in the corpus: budući and budući da. Budući da is the dominant causative conjunction in the corpus (with 40% in relation to the total number of causative conjunctions). Usually, the conjunction budući da is used in preposition, since the postposition is reserved for clauses introduced by the conjunction jer. In the modern Serbian language, the form budući is withdrawn, due to isomorphism with the present participle and the singular form of the masculine participle. We did not find budući in the codification period. Keywords: administrative-legal style, 19th century, causative sentences, budući (da), correlative.
600 godina manastira Pavlovac, 2017
Despot Stefan Lazarević (1389–1427) introduced significant changes to the system of local government in his state during the first decade of 15th century. It is necessary to emphasize that this reform was not carried out simultaneously on the whole territory of the Lazarevićs. Instead of kephalai he appointed voivodes. The units under their authority were called “vlasti”. The new administrative units were organized according to the model of the former marches (krajišta) to strengthen the defense of territory. In addition to the military duties, the voivodes also had a range of civilian competencies. According to the Novo Brdo Legal Code the voivode adjudicated criminal disputes. Together with other town’s authorities he judged in civil litigations. The sources testify that voivodes of Zeta had the special authorities which indicate that they were some kind of ruler’s governors. The regulations of the Novo Brdo Legal Code noted numerous revenues of voivode from customs and court fines. Further, he received many craft products free of charge. It is most probably that other voivodes supported themselves in a similar way. However, the assumption that this position was bought by money cannot be proven. Finally, it should be underlined that “vlasti” were not formed in certain areas of the State of Serbian Despots. In the case of Mačva (northwestern part of the Despotate), the reason may lie in the fact that Hungary claimed supreme authority over this area. On the other hand, “vlasti” were not organized in the Region of the Brankovićs (southern part of the state) because of its special status towards the Ottomans. Regardless, it seems that this region also had a governor with similar authorities as the voivode of Zeta.
Трансформација књижевне јунакиње Сили од жртве до самосвесне индивидуе у роману Боја пурпура Алис Вокер, 2023
In this paper we focused on the transformation of the main character in the novel The Color Purple, Celie, through the letters she writes to God and her sister Nettie. We contrastively analysed the original text and its Serbian translation. In this paper we followed Celie’s path from an insecure and molested girl, to a confident and emancipated individual which can be observed in the development of her language and writing style. There are three types of letters within the novel: (a) letters written to God; (b) let-ters which introduce her transformation; (c) letters written to Celie’s sister Nettie. The insecurity of the protagonist is mirrored in her language which is a stylised version of African American English. The Serbian translation employed linguistic features that don’t belong to any particular dialect, but rather represent an approximation of the way undereducated people would speak. The beginning of the novel is characterised by short sentences, repeti-tive lexicon and the use of the prolonged underscore ______. In the second half of the novel the sentences become longer and the vocabulary richer. Going through the transformation from a victim of dire circumstances to a self-aware individual that accepts herself and her language, Celie represents a character of the Afro-American woman in specific historical circumstances. In addition to Celie, the transformation can be seen in other side characters, especially on the level of onomastics.▶ Key words: The Color Purple, Alice Walker, translation, epistolary novel, transformation.Sources1. Voker, A. (2018) Boja purpura. Beograd: Laguna.2. Walker, A. (2011) The Color Purple. New York: Open Road Integrated Media.
Tokovi istorije, Beograd: Institut za noviju istoriju Srbije, 1999, (1–4): 7–35
U ovoj studiji interpretirane su političke ideje vođa slovenofilskog pokreta ruske inteligencije u periodu od 1848–1861. godine. Oslanjajući se na izlaganje slovenofilskog filozofskog i bogoslovskog učenja, autor političke ideje ranih slovenofila razmatra polazeći od njihovog shvatanja odnosa države i društva, opravdanja ruskog samodržavlja i kritike konstitucionalizma. U nastavku rada, analizirani su praktičko-politički pogledi slovenofila o slobodi javnosti, samoupravi, kreposnom pravu i slovenskom pitanju. Naglašavajući tenzije između pojedinih segmenata slovenofilskog učenja (teorijskih i praktičko-političkih), autor zastupa tezu po kojoj je slovenofilstvo, u odnosu na moderni pojam politike, jedna antipolitička, konzervativno-utopijska pozicija odbrane socijalnog ideala oličenog u Crkvi i ostvarenog u seoskoj opštini. Summary: In this study the author gives interpretation of political ideas in the works of leaders of Slavophil movement among the Russian intellectuals within the period 1848–1861. Providing the background of analysis through eluci¬da¬tion of philosophical and theological doctrines, author interprets the political ideas of the classical Slavophiles by paying the main attention to their concept of the relation of state and society, on legitimization of the Tsarist autocracy, and to the critique of consti¬tu¬tio¬nalism. In the remai¬ning part of the work author gives analysis of Slavo¬philes’ practical and political views concerning the freedom of the public sphere, self-govern¬ment, serfdom (krepostnoe pravo) and Slav question. Stressing the tensions between the parti¬cular theoretical and practical segments of Slavophil doctrine author maintains the thesis that Slavophilism, in the face of modern concept of politics, reveals itself as an antipolitical, conservative-utopian position of apology of main social ideal embed¬ded in the Church and agrarian commune - obshchina.
Друштвена перцепција "Дневника Ане Франк" у југословенском социјализму Апстракт: Почевши од прве половине педесетих година 20. века, а нарочито у деценијама које су следиле, Ана Франк је постала један од најпрепознатљивијих симбола прогона и страдања Јевреја у току Другог светског рата. Од када је, 1956. године, први пут објављен у Југославији, "Дневник Ане Франк" стекао је култни статус у југословенској култури сећања на цивилне жртве рата. Чланак представља приказ и анализу различитих начина друштвене тематизације лика, дела и наслеђа Ане Франк од издавања књиге, снимања филма и позоришних адаптација Дневника које су извођене широм Југославије, преко реакција јавности на покушаје оспоравања аутентичности Дневника у Немачкој и на судске процесе против одговорних за хапшење и депортацију породице Франк, па све до покушаја домаће штампе да пронађе ретке Југословене који су лично, углавном из логора, познавали Ану Франк, или пак чија је судбина макар у нечему подсећала на судбину најпознатије жртве Холокауста.
Zbornik apstrakata, 2019
Naučni skup ,,Živojin M. Perić - ličnost i delo" Pravni fakultet Univerziteta u Beogradu i SANU 5. i 6. decembar 2019. godine.
Zbornik radova Filozofskog fakulteta u Pristini, 2016
The paper presents considerations of the research on the Serbian political tradition in the work of Slobodan Jovanović (1869-1958), a famous Serbian lawyer, historian, writer and politician, who had a very important role in the development of the Serbian political thought. His work is extensive and varied, but in essence, it relates to the whole of political life in Serbia in the second half of the nineteenth and the first half of the twentieth century. Almost all the elements that make up the Serbian political tradition can be observed in his work. All these elements are contained in the discussion of political institutions in the 19th century Serbia, the rule of the Obrenović dynasty, political parties and party leaders, political ideas and movements in Serbia and Yugoslavia, extreme political behavior and Serbian national character. Jovanović found the origins of Serbian political tradition in the epic poetry and the Kosovo myth, as well as in the poetry of Njegoš. This was a dec...
Годишњак Друштва чланова Матице српске у Републици Српској, 2020
Некоме ко тек улази у свијет науке или је тамо однедав-но, у најмању руку необично звучи једна од уводних рече-ница књиге Моћ речи, "Тада сам први пут себи дозволила да проговорим у првом лицу једнине, први пут сам јавно при-хватила свест о томе да моја истраживања носе очевидан и неопходан лични печат" (стр. 9), а ради се о лингвисткињи која већ тада има запажену академску каријеру. Ствар је за-право у томе што цијела књига, као и ауторкино научно усмјерење, представљају новину за наше прилике-прво сто-га што она преузима поставке критичке лингвистике, не више тако дистанциране науке, која се сада бори за обесправљене и немоћне. Друго, базира се на ставу да наука мора бити субјективна, друштвено ангажована, неелитистичка. Иако је у питању "коперникански заокрет" који се одавно догодио у лингвистици, на овом подручју је то и даље "пут којим се ређе иде" (стр. 9), па отуда и професионално преиспитивање с почетка.
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