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1995, American Jewish year book
97 pages
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Jewish Organizational Life in the United States Since 1945 by JACK WERTHEIMER .T\FTER MORE THAN HALF A CENTURY of expansive institutional growth at home and self-confident advocacy on behalf of coreligionists abroad, the organized Jewish community of the United States has entered a period of introspection and retrenchment in the 1990s. Voices emanating from all sectors of the organized community demand a reallocation of funds and energy from foreign to local Jewish needs, as well as a rethinking of priorities within the domestic agenda. Their message is unambiguous-"The future begins at home." 1 Institutional planners are also advocating a "radical redesign" of the community's structure: some insist that agencies founded early in the 20th century are obsolete and should merge or disappear; others seek to create entirely new institutions; others castigate communal leaders as "undemocratic" or irrelevant to the lives of most Jews and demand that they step aside; and still others urge a "major overhaul" of the community's priorities as a way to win back the alienated and disaffiliated. 2 In short, the organized Jewish community is engaged in a far-reaching reassessment of its mission and governing institutions. Note: The author acknowledges with appreciation generous support from the Abbell Faculty Research Fund at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America. Much of the research for this essay was conducted at the Blaustein Library of the American Jewish Committee, whose staff graciously provided much helpful assistance.The author also thanks Jerome Chanes and Peter Medding for reviewing the manuscript.
American Jewry S Comfort Level Present and Future, 2010
Reconstruction, 2003
“Painting a New Picture of American Jewry.” A Portrait of the American Jewish Community. (Norman Linzer, et al.) Reconstruction (Fall 2003): Vol. 3, No. 4. [site no longer functional]
Modern Judaism, 2000
The American Jewish community is frequently portrayed as a consensus community, in which virtually no serious conflict exists. There is much truth to this characterization. As Daniel J. Elazar suggests with reference to the oligarchical but, nevertheless, representative character of the leadership of American Jewry: "They are representative because there is a certain sameness in American Jewry." ^ Some of the reasons for this characteristic may be rooted in the minority experience of American Jewry; others may be traced to what Peter Y. Medding refers to as the "decline in authentic Jewish values";^ and still others to American society and culture themselves, which as early an observer as Alexis de Tocqueville considered to be essentially homogeneous.® Be that as it may, this characterization is somewhat misleading in that it tends to minimize the multitude of sources of serious conflict within the American Jewish community in recent years. This article will explore what appear to have been the most significant issues of conflict which have challenged the organized American Jewish community since the beginning of the 1970s, and the ways in which the community has dealt with them. Nevertheless, as will be indicated, the strategies adopted for dealing with these challenges have enabled the American Jewish community to retain its essentially consensual character, even in the face of conflict. During the second half of the 1970s there were a number of disparate groups, ranging from Jewish student activists to Rabbi Meir Kahane, founder of the Jewish Defense League, who decried the nature of American Jewish
This article addresses the issue of how the "Jewishness" of Jewish communal social service institutions such as hospitals and senior citizen centers can be gauged in a time of social and cultural transition for the North American Jewish community. In previous generations, such organizations were served and staffed almost exclusively by Jews. However, today such institutions frequently serve significant numbers of gentiles. This article argues that such service is in accord with the highest standards of Jewish religious tradition and represents the fulfillment of the Jewish obligation to engage in the act of Kiddush Hashem, the sanctification of the Divine Name in the world.
American Jewish History, 2004
Choice Reviews Online, 2009
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including storage and retrieval systems, without permission in writing from the publisher, except by a reviewer, who may quote brief passages in a review. Members of educational institutions and organizations wishing to photocopy any of the work for classroom use, or authors and publishers who would like to obtain permission for any of the material in the work, should contact Permissions,
Springer eBooks, 2022
Studies of Jews in Society focuses on social scientific studies of Jewry, and takes a broad perspective on "social science", to include anthropology, communications, demography, economics, education, ethnography, geography, history, politics, population, social psychology, and sociology. Books may rely on quantitative methods, qualitative methods, or both. The series is directed to social scientists and general scholars in Jewish studies as well as those generally interested in religion and ethnicity; academics who teach Jewish studies; undergraduates and graduate students in Jewish studies, sociologists interested in religion and ethnicity; communal professionals and lay leaders who deal with Jewish organizations and individuals. The style, while rigorous scientifically, is accessible to a general audience.
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American Jewish History, 2018
Ghettos 1939-1945: New Research and Perspectives on Definition, Daily Life, and Survival. Symposium presentations, Washington, D.C.: USHMM, 2005
Contemporary Jewry, 2016
Contemporary Jewry, 1980
Columbia University Press, 2002
Contemporary Jewry, 2016