
(PDF) Il carico del relitto Mariposa E (Alghero, Italia)

Il carico del relitto Mariposa E (Alghero, Italia)

2023, Atti del VI Convegno Nazionale di Archeologia Subacquea (10-12 ottobre 2019). Palazzo Ciampoli - Taormina

This paper offers an initial glimpse into the study of the cargo found in the wreck of Mariposa E, located off the coast of Alghero, Sardinia. The main cargo of the ship consists of Dressel 2 wine amphorae, characterized by their consistent fabric and epigraphy, which indicates their origin in the territorium of Saguntum. Based on the analysis of the surrounding materials, the shipwreck is estimated to have occurred during the middle of the 1st century A.D. The discovery of Mariposa E provides significant evidence of the wine trade in transit from the central coast of Tarraconensis during that period.