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2016, Archaeology, Ethnology and Anthropology of Eurasia (Russian-language).
10 pages
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*Исследование выполнено за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект № 14-50-00036).
The aim of this paper is to publish new radiocarbon dating data for three complexes stratified under one mound (mound No. 1 in the Boldyrevo IV burial ground in the Western Orenburg region), which are distinguished by the unusual nature of the burial in comparison with the known, reference necropolises of the Yamnaya culture. Kurgan 1, one of the largest in the Volga region and the Southern Urals, was investigated in 2019–2020. The early horizon was represented by two small mounds above the burials of children, surrounded by ditches consisting of separate pits. Later, between the mounds for children, a collective burial of five adults took place in a huge burial chamber with a complex design, over which a large mound was built, which also covered both children’s mounds. All the main burials under the early mounds and burial 5 under the large mound represent a single cultural and epochal complex and belong to the Yamnaya culture. According to archaeological and paleo-soil data, the construction of mound 1 occurred systematically over a time interval that is approximately 200 years. Radiocarbon dating showed that the construction of the mound occurred within the calibrated interval of 3200–2600 BC years. The site, apparently, before and during the creation of the mound, was the site of sacred ceremonies and public meetings of many clans of the Yamnaya culture. The induction burial of two women took place at the top of the mound at the end of the Bronze Age.
The article features the results of studying the Komintern 1 burial mound. Salvage and rescue studies were conducted at the burial mound due to the destructive abrasion processes occurring at Kuibyshev reservoir. This funerary monument was originally part of a group consisting of three burial mounds. Burial mounds 3 and 2 were studied in 1981 and 2008 during expeditions headed by E. P. Kazakov and A. A. Chizhevsky. The studies resulted in the discovery of two burials at Komintern 1 burial mounds, one of which was intact, and the other destroyed by a graverobber pit, as well as two sacrificial complexes composed of ceramic dishware shards. A skeleton lying on the right side in the crouched position with its head pointing east-north-east was discovered in the surviving burial 1. A pot was located in front of his head, this vessel has analogies in the ancient traditions of the Lugovskaya culture. Interestingly, after burial 1 was executed, the grave pit was burnt to such degree that the loamy soil was transformed into dense reddish clods. On the basis of the funerary rite and inventory, Komintern 1 burial mound, likewise mounds 2 and 3, were identified by the author as corresponding to the Lugovskaya culture with a significant influence of the Pozdnyakovo culture and dating back to 15th/14th–14th/13th centuries B.C.
Vestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2019
Курганы в окрестностях села Верхняя Кардаиловка на р. Урал (по материалам раскопок 1993 года) и заметки к хронологии опорных комплексов второй половины IV в. до н.э. В статье публикуются материалы двух курганов эпохи ранних кочевников из Южного Зауралья. Находки в них клинкового оружия «переходных» типов позволили вновь вернуться к вопросу о хронологии комплексов с подобными мечами и кинжалами. Проведенный анализ показал устойчивую связь находок мечей и кинжалов с тупоугольными и дуговидными перекрестьями, с прямыми перекрестьями и прямыми навершиями в комплексе с определенным набором предметов, в который входят, в частности, зеркала двух типов (5.3 по А. С. Скрипкину и «Темир»), керамические сосуды с высоким каннелированным горлом. Кроме того, есть все основания полагать, что ранние формы клинков с типичной прохоровской рукоятью появляются не позже последней четверти IV в. до н.э. и короткое время сосуществуют с вышеназванными типами. Ключевые слова: Южное Зауралье, ранние кочевники, погребальный обряд, курганы, клинковое оружие, керамические сосуды, наконечники стрел, хронология. Введение Село Верхняя Кардаиловка 1 находится в Кваркенском районе Оренбургской области, на левом берегу р. Урал. Многочисленные курганные могильники, располагающиеся в его окрестностях (рис. 1), исследовались уфимскими археологами в 1980-1990-х гг. Первые 6 могильников, находящиеся к югу от села, на высокой коренной террасе берега р. Урал, были открыты разведочным отрядом Института истории, языка и литературы Башкирского филиала Академии наук СССР (ИИЯЛ БФАН СССР) под руководством В. Н. Васильева в 1984 г. [3]. В 1987 г. отрядом ИИЯЛ БФАН СССР под руководством В. А. Иванова два кургана были раскопаны [5]. Один курган с каменным ящиком эпохи бронзы из могильника Верхнекардаиловский I был опубликован [12, с. 217-218, рис. 3, 6, 5, 7-8]. Раскопки курганов могильника Верхнекардаиловский II впервые были проведены совместным отрядом Башкирского государственного объединенного музея (БГОМ) и отдела археологии ИИЯЛ БНЦ УрО РАН под руководством В. Н. Васильева и В. К. Фёдорова в 1991 г. [6]. Было раскопано 3 кургана (№ 2-4), материалы раскопок опубликованы [11]. Летом 1993 г. раскопки курганов в окрестностях села проводил отряд Башкирского государственного педагогического института (БГПИ) под руководством Г. Т. Обыденновой. Были исследованы относящиеся к эпохе ранних кочевников курган № 1 могильника Верхнекардаиловский II и одиночный курган Верхнекардаиловский VII (рис. 2). Задачи, методы исследования Основной задачей является введение в научный оборот новых материалов эпохи ранних кочевников в Южном Зауралье. При интерпретации материалов на первое место выступила проблема уточнения хронологии раннепрохоровских комплексов с клинковым оружием. Для решения этой проблемы проведено сопоставление верхнекардаиловских находок с материалами опорных комплексов с территории Южного Урала, в которых
Izvestiya of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. History Sciences, 2020
Одиночный курган у д. Сертея (Велижский район Смоленской области) был открыт Е.А. Шмидтом в результате обследования Велижского района в 1951 году. Курган был отнесен Е.А. Шмидтом к древнерусскому времени. Сохранились сведения, что до середины 1950-х годов на этом месте виднелись еще три небольшие насыпи возле указанного памятника, а в сводке у Е.А. Шмидта есть упоминание о том, что здесь была зафиксирована курганная группа из 5 насыпей 1. Интенсивное распахивание этой УДК 903.5+902.01+902.6
The materials of two mounds (No. 1 and 2) of the Ageyevsky burial ground are introduced into scientific discourse in this paper. The mounds are situated within the Srubnaya–Alakul contact zone in the South Trans-Urals. Mound 1 contained seven graves located on the mound-site according to the central-circular principle where the peripheral burials form pairs. The central grave contained a disturbed burial of two adults; children and adolescents were buried in most peripheral graves (5). Only one peripheral grave matched the size of an adult’s grave. Presumably it contained the remains of cremation (?). Children’s graves (3) were solitary, adolescents’ graves (2) were paired. The adolescents were buried in twin graves; in one grave the dead were placed on one (left) side, in the other – facing each other. In the center of Mound 2 there was the only disturbed burial of two adults. All burials were made in soil graves. The majority of graves are covered with stone slabs. The grave-goods are represented by vessels and decorations. The burial rite and grave goods are analogous to the Srubnaya–Alakul necropolises of classical (developed) stage of the nearby territory and the whole of the South Trans-Urals. However it is distinguished by peculiar features: paired peripheral burials in the multi-grave Mound 1 and the prevailing orientation of those buried in the southern sector.
Евразия в кайнозое. Стратиграфия, палеоэкология, культуры, 2017
The paper deals with materials of new Upper Paleolithic site in Irkutsk named after M. P. Aksenov (1934–2002), the well-known archaeologist, researcher of the Stone Age in Eastern Siberia. Aksenov site was found in 2016 and is situated at the north of Irkutsk, in 3,5 km from Arembovskiy Paleolithic workshop. Cultural remaines were found in two positions but they came from one technocomplex (according to vast number of artifact application links). Lithic collection consists of 324 artifacts made of limestone almost completely. There were three strategies of primary knapping. The first core reduction was aimed at blade and flake blanks with exploitation of flat parallel uni- and bidirectional reduction system, the second – at flake using radial system and the third – at bladelet by edge faced knapping. General types of tools are end-scrapers, knifes and retouched blades, other tool categories such side-scraper, notched piece, thorned piece and point are sporadic. Blade and flake blanks are used in producing of tools in equal degrees but bladelet tools are absent. Scaled invasive dorsal retouch was applied in majority of cases. Chronometric position of the complex is not clear today. Cultural layer could be interpreted as Karginskii sediment (on the basis of its structure and layout) but without absolute dating the age of it should be attribute in wide diapason of MIS 3 – MIS 2. The most similar techno-typological and raw materials characteristics are recognized in industry of Paleolithic workshop Arembovskiy that preliminary age is 35–25 thosands years ago. The close spatial location of these two sites and their raw materials and technological likeness afford ground for hypothesizing of existence in prehistorian times the «knapping workshop – site system». This supposition considers revising during future field and analytic researches.
The author considers the initial stage of studying the early periods of human history in Russia, where the research of primeval antiquities began in the 1860s. The first Kazan citizen to study this subject was a collector, archaeologist and numismatist A. F. Likhachev. As a result of studying publications by West-European archaeologists and his Russian colleagues, he turned his attention to stone implements available in his collection. He gradually proceeded from collecting and studying the acquired items to archaeological surveying, which resulted in the discovery of Neolithic and Bronze Age settlements on the outskirts of Kazan. It allowed A. F. Likhachev to present a number of reports at Russian Archaeological Congresses and prepare several scientific papers on this subject. The author concludes that A. F. Likhachev is an outstanding representative of the initial stage of studying the primeval antiquities in the Kazan Volga Region.
Camera Praehistorica, 2020
In the article we present new results of the study of the child skull found in a burial at the Upper Paleolithic site of Kostenki 15 (Gorodtsov site). While the CT analysis of the earlier reconstructed skull revealed high level of destruction of the morphologically important landmarks which prevents from using the conventional cranial metric characteristics of the individual in population studies, the analysis of its dental morphology was shown to be much more informative. Our study revealed that the upper incisors and lower molars of the sample display a specific complex of non-metric traits which combine European (4-cusped first molars) traits with such Asian characteristics as shovel-shaped upper lateral incisors, odontoglyphic patterns on the first lower molars, and morphology of the second lower deciduous molars. The results of the statistical analysis of the dental metrics does not match with the hypothesis on close biological affinities of the Kostenki 15 child with Předmostí...
Since its d is co v e ry in 1962 the mu l t i lay e red Kulbulak site (Tashkent region, Uzbekistan) has been declared the basic object for reconstruction o f cultural and chronological schemes o f Paleolithic Age period development in the western part o f Central Asia. On the basis o f the Middle Paleolithic industries o f the site ( materials o f 1960-1980 excavations) the separate facies named «Denticulate Mousterian» was identified in the regional Stone Age. This facies is characterized by presence o f a large quantity o f denticulate and notched tools. During a new stage o f excavations of the Kulbulak site (2007-2010, 2013) new results were obtained, which can review the interpretation o f the industries preceding the upper Paleolithic. On the basis o f géomorphologie, s ed imen to lo g ic a l and s t ra t ig rap h ie studies it was established that geological layers 3-11 (middle part o f stratigraphie sequence) are o f a proluvium and mudflow genesis. The results o f this research make identification o f facies Denticulate Mousterian based on materials of the Kulbulak site questionable and dispute approach to its identification based on materials o f Paleolithic sites in the western part o f Central Asia.
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Chronology and Cultural Attribution of the Earliest Upper Palaeolithic Bone Needles of Siberia, 2021
Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 2017
Archaeology and Ethnography, 2019
The Lower Volga Archaeological Bulletin / Нижневолжский археологический вестник, 2023
Kirpichnikov A., Grigorjeva N., Plavinski M. Graffito on a Bone Artifact from Staraya Ladoga, 2016
EMINAK: Scientific Quarterly Journal, 1 (29), 2020
Archaeology, Ethnology & Anthropology of Eurasia, 2018