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  • Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @sebastianpetrovski

    Thank you for response but I’m a bit confused now.

    You already can simply disable validation in field settings. If you set validation to “none” it will not check for protocol prefix.

    Or do you mean to have some sort of validation there but in a way that will only skip prefix (like: if it’s there, it’s fine, if it’s not there it’s fine too, provided that the rest of the string appears to be an URL)?

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @tretanz

    Thank you for response!

    You need to add a consent field to the form as well.

    With that field user will need to check consent checkbox first before they’re able to submit the form. You’ll then see this affects GDRP preference at MailChimp for such user.

    It will also then see “Consent” field in MailChimp integration conditions.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi again @thecreator01

    Apparently, I got response faster than I expected 🙂

    Adding below code to the site should do the trick and make all the subsites NOT use Branda’s e-mail templates; only a main site will use them. I tested it on my test setup and it seems to work just fine.

    The code is:

    add_action( 'init', 'wpmudev_remove_sub_branda_email_template' );
    function wpmudev_remove_sub_branda_email_template() {
        if ( is_main_site() ) {
        global $wp_filter;
    	$tag 			= 'wp_mail';
    	$hook_method	= 'wp_mail';
    	$hook_class 	= 'Branda_Email_Template';
    	if ( ! isset( $wp_filter[$tag] ) ) {
    	foreach ( $wp_filter[$tag]->callbacks as $key => $callback_array ) {
    		foreach ( $callback_array as $c_key => $callback ) {
    			if ( substr_compare( $c_key, $hook_method, strlen( $c_key ) - strlen( $hook_method ), strlen( $hook_method ) ) === 0 ) {
    				if ( $callback['function'][0] instanceof $hook_class ){
    					unset( $wp_filter[$tag]->callbacks[$key][$c_key] );

    To add it to the site:

    – access your WordPress install using FTP, cPanel “File Manager” or similar way
    – create an empty file with a .php extension (e.g. “branda-subsites-disable-templates.php” or similar) in the “/wp-content/mu-plugins” folder of your site’s WordPress install
    – copy above code and paste it into that file
    – save the file and purge all cache on site/server

    and it should then work out of the box.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @thecreator01

    Thank you for response!

    First of all, isn’t the branda accessible only to the super admin (network administrator)?

    That depends on the settings on “Branda -> Settings -> Permissions” page.

    You decide there whether you want to keep all settings “multisite wide” (that’s “Subsite Controls”option set to “None”) or if you want to allow settings some of the options differently for different subsites (that’s if you select either “All” or “Custom” option).

    Then in “User Permissions” section on the same page you can select which user roles have access to those settings.

    So what you can do here is:

    – make sure that no user roles are enabled (except for default “Network Administrator” – that’d be superadmin)
    – and set “Subsite Controls” to “Custom”, disabling everything except “Email Template”.

    This way your subsite users/admins will not be able to change those settings but you, as a superadmin, will be able to set different templates (in this case “blank”) for subsites.

    Currently that’s the only “out of the box” way to configure Branda in different way for main site and subsites.

    Disabling templates all together for subsites “automatically” and without enabling any “subsite controls” would require some custom code but I’m not sure if there are necessary filters built-in into plugin code to make it possible.

    I’ve asked our developers about it so they’ll check and see if we could provide such solution. If it’s doable, we’ll share the code with you, otherwise we’ll let you know if it can’t be done.

    I would, however, appreciate some patience as our developers are dealing with a lot of complex tasks on daily basis and their response time may be a bit longer than ours. We’ll update you here as soon as we got feedback from them.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @jphdesigns

    Thank you for response!

    All right then – please update us once you’re done with the test and we’ll then see what to do next (if still necessary).

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @nelinfo

    We’ve suggested testing additional plugin (for SMTP) because in most cases that solves such issue.

    Forminator itself doesn’t “send mail directly”. It’s using WordPress core “wp_mail()” function for that, so basically – it simply “tells” WordPress “please send a message to this address with this subject and content” and that’s it. The rest happens at WordPress core level.

    That also means that in most cases such issues are related to some unexpected conflicts on site or – even more often – some kind of changes/restrictions on hosting level, related to how e-mails are handled.

    That’s also why it’s important to check about transactional emails. This means standard notifications/messages such as for example notification about new user registration or e-mail for password reset. So simplest test to check it would be to use “Lost password” option on site’s login page to try to reset password.

    If you don’t receive e-mail for password reset, it confirms the problem is “outside” of the Forminator and in such case you would either need to talk to your host to check if their mail system is functioning fine and if they can check logs to see why your site’s messages are not being sent or you could install aforementioned SMPT plugin and that should solve the issue.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @rjkothari2021

    I hope you’re well today!

    To start with, please remember that nothing is a one-hundred-percent efficient protection against such spam. There are things that can only limit/mitigate it to certain degree.

    You mentioned that this started to happen mostly after you switched to another hosting and that’s also entirely possible. This is due to bots targeting some IP ranges more often than others and it may as well change on its own over time.

    But getting back to possible protection:

    Since you already have cpatcha added I would suggest some additional solution:

    1. in form settings additionally enable “honeypot” option; it’s a very very basic protection against spam but still adds-up to it so as a supplementary precaution it’s worth a shot

    2. add some anti-spam solution that directly integrates with Forminator; that could be CleanTalk Anti-Spam plugin or Akismet, take a look here, please:

    3. it may be more efficient to use CloudFlare’s Turnstile instead of reCaptcha/hCaptcha but you’d need to test it, it’s different in different cases;

    4. Since you are already using WordFence, make sure to keep an eye on logs and consider blocking IPs of the most active offenders; check with your host if you have server-level WAF/firewall and if so – better add such IPs to blocklists there rather than in the plugin

    5. Consider adding CloudFlare to the site; even their free tier can significantly decrease bot traffic (hence the spam level too) and an additional benefit is usually also a better site performance.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @00kevin

    I hope you’re well today!

    No, there’s no surveys built-in. There are polls but while the poll will give you sort of an “aggregated result” it’s a single question only.

    You could, however, build a form and then use one of the integrations to get results “aggregated” e.g. into form of some sort of graph or chart.

    For example:

    1. wpDataTables plugin (which Formiantor can integrated with) provides some – limited in free version but still avialble – chart tools that could be use with form submitted data

    2. you could send data to Google Sheets and there use their tools to aggregate/process results

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @rana-rene

    I hope you’re well today!

    Before we go any further with this, could you, please check two simple things?

    1. in the form “Behavior” settings in Forminator check the “Load form using AJAX” option and try switching it to opposite as it is now (disable if enabled, enable if disabled) and see if that changes anything

    2. fully purge cache and temporarily – just for testing – disable any asset (JS/CSS) optimization in SG Optimizer plugin – see if that makes a different;

    I’m asking this because I see certain JS related (specifically – jQuery not defined) errors in browser console on the page that you linked to and that is something that’s very often directly related to such issues.

    Please test it and let us know about results, then we’ll see what to do next to address this.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @rhubeny76

    I hope you’re well today!

    This was a patch for certain bug in the plugin but if you are using up-to-date version of Forminator it’s no longer necessary. The bug was fixed with 1.31 release.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @marcusabs

    I hope you’re well today!

    You should be able to move those buttons with a bit of additional CSS:

        display: flex;
        flex-wrap: wrap;
    > * {
        width: 100%;
    .forminator-pagination-footer {
        order: -1;
    .forminator-pagination-steps {
        order: -2;

    Please add it directly to the form via it’s Custom CSS option in form’s “Behavior” settings.

    After updating the form, make sure to fully flush all cache (site, server).

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @vahan889

    I hope you’re well today!

    Please note that the 1.15.12 version of the plugin is very outdated. Current version is 1.32.

    The issue that you noticed was a known bug and is already fixed since 1.23.x version.

    You’d need to update the plugin.

    Note: with such a huge version jump, I’d rather suggest updating gradually ( 1.15.12 -> 1.16 -> 1.19 -> 1.21 -> 1.24.1 -> 1.26 -> current) through a few major releases to avoid other issues due to new features and data format changes meanwhile. You can try updating directly to current version instead but please make sure to have a full backup of the site at hand just in case.

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @thomastolkien

    I hope you’re well today!

    There is no any specific setting for that and it and the “Local (old)” engine doesn’t scan those. The “Cloud (new)” engine, however, works similarly to search engine crawlers and scans front-end of the site so if those descriptions are displayed on tag/category archive pages – it will check them.

    Best regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @thecreator01

    Thank you for additional explanation.

    I tested it and I can see what you mean. I can confirm the issue.

    Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to find any workaround or “quick fix” fort hat currently.

    I have already reported it to our Branda Team as a bug so developers will look into it and hopefully they’ll be able to include fix for this in one of future releases (though I’m not able to provide an ETA at the moment).

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Support Adam – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @leelalee

    Thank you for response!

    Actually, yes – what you described also seems to be in line with what I wrote previously. For now, I think we should still focus on the things that I asked back then:

    1. What happens if you duplicate the form and then try to set those field mappings in MailChimp on that new copy of the form? Have you tried that? If not – please do and let us know.

    2. Do you know if there is any kind of server-side cache (especially object cache) active and if yes, does purging it help?

    but also

    3. what happens if you completely remove MailChimp integration from both form itself and the plugin (“Forminator -> Integrations” page, if you see more than one MailChimp instances connected there, try removing all of them) and then connect and configure it again entirely from scratch?

    Let’s start with that and see where it gets us next.

    Kind regards,

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