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  • I have the same problem!
    If I click on where the caption should be in Gutenberg editor and drag the cursor, it highlights the caption text. The caption text is white and I have a white background for my theme – so I think the caption text is there – it is just white on white!
    On the actual page there is no problem and the caption text is black (on white page) – it is just the Gutenberg editor page that has the problem.
    This only started to happen recently.
    I updated to WP 5.7.2 recently.
    I have a second WP site which is also 5.7.2 but this seems to be OK.
    P.S. Forgot to add – if I highlight the text and change its color to black (it was already set to black) then Gutenberg will then display it.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 4 months ago by stevesi.
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