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  • Thread Starter stephunique


    Hello Jarryd,

    Thank you for the suggestion. I am already aware of the add-on. But upon membership expiration, the user role changes to the website default role, correct?

    Is there a way to let them get back the role they had before signing up to a membership rather than gain the website’s default role, because that role might not always be the same as the website default one. Like in my example, a student who signs up to premium student membership and gains a premium student role, should be downgraded to a student role, and a teacher who signs up to a premium teacher role should be downgraded to a premium teacher role upon membership expiry. The two are not the same as each other, and are not the same as the website default role, which could simply be “Subscriber”.

    In the article you linked to about the Roles addon, there is this line of information:

    “Runs after a user’s role has changed, providing access to the user object, their previous levels, old roles, and new roles for additional processing or logic.”

    It does not say how to take advantage of that though. Could you point me in the right direction as to how I can take advantage of knowing what their previous role was and give them that role when their new membership role expires?

    • This reply was modified 8 hours, 16 minutes ago by stephunique.

    I have this exact question. It is precisely that I have conflicts that I want to be able to edit their priorities. Any way to do this via code or some other plugin?

    I am using it on a subdomain which is essentially a separate, single site and it works, just the user role doesn’t sync, even after I added the line of code.

    Hi @sophiejo,

    Thanks for the clarification. I thought @devappau meant that I need to change it from “True to “true” to “false” in that line of code and I was looking for that line of code. If I ned to add it myself, then it makes sense why I couldn’t already find it. Thank you all, I’ll give it a try.

    To be clear: Do I need to manuallly add the user role I want synced users to have to the subdomain page and have the synced users inherit it? I thought that the checkbox that says “Merge with existing roles” would mean a new role is created automatically when a user from the main site is synced. Eg if I have a user with user role “Customer” on the main site, when it syncs with the subdomain, a new role called Customer would be created and allocated to this user, if it doesn’t already exist.

    • This reply was modified 3 days, 9 hours ago by stephunique. Reason: Add more questions
    • This reply was modified 3 days, 9 hours ago by stephunique. Reason: Better formatting

    Hi @kingcooper, how did you delete the unused meta tags?

    Also this might not be related to this topic but seeing as actual tech support isn’t here, would you be able to tell me how to add other tags? I saw another support thread (this one) involving this plugin about syncing phone numbers and to generate the appropriate meta tag, they had to enter the phone number in the user’s settings. My issue is I want to sync things like passwords and member roles, neither of which is syncing for me, and I assume I have to generate meta tags first but I can’t do that on the front end while logged in because if I try to register a user on the front end while logged in as an admin, the log in and registration form obviously doesn’t appear, and another support thread I saw about this plugin said you have to use the front end to input info, not the wordpress back end, for the front end information to sync.

    @devappau Thank you for the suggestion but I do not have this line of code at all. Should I add it myself?

    @devappau Where do I find this line of code, and will it work when trying to sync between a main site and a subdomain site?

    I also have this issue, CPU load increased greatly after I installed the plugin. Not sure if it was a coincidence or actually caused by the plugin.

    Thread Starter stephunique


    Hello @danieliser

    I’ve decided to close this support thread and thought I should tell you so you don’t waste time testing it out. I’ve decided to close this thread because I’ve decided the end goal I want is better achieved via subdomains rather than restricting things on a main site.

    If anyone else wants something similiar or if I want this feature again in the future, we can post a new support thread or reopen this.

    Thank you!

    Thread Starter stephunique


    Hello @madalinaruzsa

    I contacted my hosting provider, and they said that they understand the help guide you provided (the siteground link), but they still “need the actual command from your plugin support as well, every cron has separate command and functions so it needs to be asked with your plugin support.” so I need the command to run the cron job every minute. Do you have this command?

    Thread Starter stephunique


    Thank you for the detailed reply!

    I have set up an SMTP service using my hosting provider and I can confirm that the emails are sent successfully (the plugin picked up the SMTP service) and received when I sent a test email to a small group of 3 email addresses. There was a notification when using this plugin that said 3 emails were sent, one successfull, two failed (the 2 failed ones were because they were disposable email addressess and I used another plugin to block disposable email addressses) and I checked the first successful one, and it was received.

    So I will close this support thread now, thank you for your help!

    Thread Starter stephunique


    Hello @emma24,

    Thank you for your help. I will try out the code myself and if I still need help, I will contact your support as you suggested. In the meantime I will mark this support thread as resolved. Thanks and have a nice day!


    @sanjuacharya77 The form sends email now after I changed the setting to “Auto Approval after Email Confirmation” in the individual form settings. I apologise for such a silly error on my part. I had it on “Auto Approval after Manual log in” because I thought it meant the user had to log in on their own after their account is confirmed by email. Actually the words “auto approval” confused me because I thought it meant the user would be automatically approved without having to click on a verification link in an email, so I didn’t touch that setting and left it as what it was. Now I understand auto approval means, the administrator does not have to manually approve the new user. Thank you! I am happy to mark this as resolved now.

    Thread Starter stephunique


    Hello Emma,

    Thanks for following up with my enquiry. I am not a developer and only know basic code, I can and am trying out your solution but it takes a little time because I have to do a lot of trial and error.

    But actually I was also going to write back with some feedback:

    I did some testing with the Custom CSS: Because the Custom CSS effects do not update live, this is annoying since I need to purge the cache and do a hard refresh for every single change I make to see the effect, and then as I said I am not a developer so I need to do trial and error. I am having a little trouble seeing the difference between the adjustments I make with the custom CSS – either they do not work or the difference is too subtle to see.

    The other thing I wanted to say is, the email addresss and password field seems to be bound together in one container or div (forgive me if the exact element is not correct), because any adjustments I make in the padding and margins affect both of them at the same time, ie, they move together as one item and I cannot adjust the distance between them. This is a little annoying because I intend on using an image for the background that I want to align the input fields and labels with.

    And I have not tested the responsive code yet, I will do that when I get the custom CSS correct, then use that to edit the responsive version of CSS.

    Thank you.

    Thread Starter stephunique



    I did some basic tests and it seems to be working again. I am not sure why since I haven’t done anything different. I am using the BuddyX theme.

    Originally, I had some code that I found on a site that hides users by their role. I deactivated the code when I was testing your plugin, but what happened was, when the members page first loaded, next to the user types (I have different user types), it had negative numbers and also incorrect numbers. At the time, I purged the cache and did a hard refresh on my site but it still didn’t work. It seems to be working at the moment.

    Thank you so much for the plugin, hiding users by their user role is something so many buddypress users want to do but difficult to find a solution for.

    I guess this ticket ca be closed for now. Thank you again!

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