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  • Thread Starter namgostar


    Oh, I see. That does make sense.

    Thank you!

    I agree with isurujn, bubblymaiko needs to be reported, definitely not Renzo’s plugin.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    Change the “to:” to be just your email address and no commas or anything else in there. You can leave the from: as it is.

    I did remove the comma and the second email, so it’s just the one that also is the wordpress admin email. I left everything else the same.
    Although, I have tested and I still am not receiving emails.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    If you are not receiving email notifications of what has been downloaded, how do you know what the “from” of the email is?

    When I was receiving these emails, this was the case. It always bothered me, I addressed the issue once on this forum, but it never got solved.

    that’s what’s in the Contact Form 7 screen you filled in or…?

    What is in the “from” field of the mail form is (I didn’t type it in, it was auto-filled and I didn’t change it): [your-name]. Should this be [your-name] <[your-email]> instead?

    Are you set to inline, email, or both?

    I have it set to inline. The visitor does NOT receive an email (we don’t want them to receive and email). We (as administrators) should get the email notifications that the download occurred. (which is what I am not getting).

    Is your admin email address in wordpress settings the same as the “from:” address you configured in Contact Form 7?

    Yes the same… although, in the “To” field I have two emails, one that is mine (same as the wordpress email), separated by a comma, and there is a second email. This worked in the past.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    Thank you, I will stay tuned.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    No where in this documentation that you linked does it explain what to do when your plugin CREATES FIRST AND LAST NAME, BUT DOES NOT CREATE A USERNAME. This problem has been one, not only for me, but for others in the past, as I read through other posts. This even was corrected with one of your updates, but now it is happening again.

    Also, in this documentation it does not explain anything about why these members are not automatically added to the mailchimp list.

    Neither of my two problems are addressed.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    It says “success” many times in my log file below, but as stated in the last post I just posted, my members MAY be receiving the email to invite them to log in and finish their registration, BUT the system is only creating for them a LAST NAME and FIRST NAME, it is NOT creating for them a username, thus they can not login successfully the first time. I have been having to manually delete, and re-create each person’s membership with username myself, and then email it to them personally.

    Here is my log file:

    [11/23/2015 6:51 AM] – SUCCESS :Member notification email sent to:
    [11/23/2015 6:51 AM] – SUCCESS :Admin notification email sent to:
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Paypal Class Initiated by
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Post string : mc_gross=125.00&protection_eligibility=Ineligible&payer_id=AYUZXNMFYXE6C&tax=0.00&payment_date=12%3A53%3A21+Nov+30%2C+2015+PST&payment_status=Completed&charset=windows-1252&first_name=Dawn&option_selection1=Physicians&mc_fee=3.93&notify_version=3.8&custom=subsc_ref%3D3&payer_status=verified&
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Connection to successfuly completed.
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :IPN successfully verified.
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Creating product Information to send.
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Transaction Type: Buy Now/Subscribe
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Item Number:
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Item Name: Yearly Registration
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Item Quantity: 1
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Item Total: 125.00
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Item Currency: USD
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Membership payment paid for membership level ID: 3
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :swpm integration is being used… creating member account…
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :swpm_handle_subsc_signup_stand_alone(). Custom value: subsc_ref=3
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Could not find any record using the given email address ( Attempting to query database using the unique reference: 8P770503NT648231D
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Creating new member account. Membership level ID: 3
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Member signup URL:
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Member signup/upgrade completion email successfully sent to:
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Saving transaction data to the database table.
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Transaction data saved.
    [11/30/2015 8:53 PM] – SUCCESS :Paypal class finished.


    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Paypal Class Initiated by
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Post string : mc_gross=125.00&protection_eligibility=Ineligible&payer_id=F9ZFLAARHDG5W&tax=0.00&payment_date=16%3A30%3A56+Dec+04%2C+2015+PST&payment_status=Completed&charset=windows-1252&first_name=robert&option_selection1=Physicians&mc_fee=3.93&notify_version=3.8&custom=subsc_ref%3D3&payer_status=unverified&
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Connection to successfuly completed.
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :IPN successfully verified.
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Creating product Information to send.
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Transaction Type: Buy Now/Subscribe
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Item Number:
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Item Name: Yearly Registration
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Item Quantity: 1
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Item Total: 125.00
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Item Currency: USD
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Membership payment paid for membership level ID: 3
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :swpm integration is being used… creating member account…
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :swpm_handle_subsc_signup_stand_alone(). Custom value: subsc_ref=3
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Could not find any record using the given email address ( Attempting to query database using the unique reference: 4EE85740EH6462324
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Creating new member account. Membership level ID: 3
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Member signup URL:
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Member signup/upgrade completion email successfully sent to:
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Saving transaction data to the database table.
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Transaction data saved.
    [12/05/2015 12:31 AM] – SUCCESS :Paypal class finished.


    [12/06/2015 9:26 PM] – SUCCESS :Member notification email sent to:
    [12/06/2015 9:26 PM] – SUCCESS :Admin notification email sent to:

    Thread Starter namgostar


    When someone pays, the account is created with partial info. The registration process is not complete. User needs to complete registration. Once the registration is complete, user name will no longer be empty.

    Your statement is correct, I understand that is how it SHOULD be, but my system is not running that way. The USERNAME is the item that should be automatically created, along with a password. That information of a username and password is supposed to be sent to the email, in which the person paid through paypal

    This is what is happening instead:
    the simple membership plugin is only creating a first name and a last name in the membership profile. This does NO GOOD. They need a username and password, so that they can then log in for the first time, and then fill the information out on their own.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    Thank you so much for your quick responses.

    I know my request is odd and complicating. But thank you for offering to consider it.

    I love your plugin as is. 🙂

    Thread Starter namgostar


    Yes. I am using the form builder add-on. But, we want for all visitors on the site, to be able to click on a “team page” or whatever, and see all the members in a list (or something). And then, when you click on a person’s name it takes you to their full page

    what ever they add in the registration form is also added to their profile page.

    I believe the only profile page anyone can see, is the just their own.

    I know this sounds very specific and detailed. I understand if there is not such a thing… just curious if you know of something that already exists.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    It does NOT need to be exactly like this. This is a little more sophisticated than what I need. But, the members that are subscribed to this website are doctors. When the doctors fill out their profile, it gets automatically added to the site.

    Here is another plugin that does something like what I need, but it is way too fancy, and it is a membership plugin in itself and I don’t want to use any other but yours, because yours is perfect for all my other needs.

    And there is this, which I don’t really understand, and I can’t find out how it works or how well it works, and I don’t want to pay for it unless I know it will be what I need.

    Thread Starter namgostar


    Thank you for the code. I was not able to get that particular code to work.

    One of the theme’s support techs was able to help me out with this.

    If there is a particular issue with this one user then that is a different issue than if none of your users could signup normally.

    This has happened with the four most recent members, not just one.

    And from a question above, these members do not show at all in the WP users tab.

    1) A user comes to the site
    2) He doesn’t have an existing user account (not even WP user account).
    3) He makes a payment then he can register for an account.

    This is precisely how it is set up. It worked before, because we tested it. This has started happening since the install of the custom forms, just as the original author in this thread said.
    Now this site is live, and the paypal connected to it is expensive, so I don’t want to hassle with a “trial” procedure.

    See this image, where the plugin has made up a user with a first name, last name, and email… yet NO USERNAME. Thus, no one can effectively login.

    I could delete said user from the WP users tab, but I have no way to “test” unless I contacted this person and asked for him to forward me the email he received after paying through paypal.
    I think that is a little awkward since these users are strangers, and they probably wouldn’t want to share sensitive info with me.

    I am having the same issue as alt3red.

    The user makes the purchase and receives an ‘complete registration’ email. The problem I am having is that when the user clicks to complete, they get an ’email address already taken’


    the members register using the form that resides at the link that is being emailed by the website after a successful payment. The Registration form was built using the custom form builder add-on that I have purchased from the website.

    I also have the most recent version 3.0.9

    I wonder if this could be an advanced variables issue. I use advanced variables when creating the paypal button on the paypal site. (It’s the only way I could set things up the way my client wants).

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