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  • Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I am sorry this isn’t working any longer. I had found someone to take over development but the original author was unwilling to turn over the repository access so it is unlikely it will be fixed.

    I have the exact same issue. It seems like the widget isn’t compatible with the block editor.

    I had the same issue, turning on the “Use Tooltip” option helped resolve that. Is there anyway to give the user an iCal link so it can add to Outlook or other calendars?

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [Email Users] WEbsite down
    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Since Email Users has nothing to do with the front end of your web site I don’t think it would have anything to do with the problem you’re having.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Hmmm – that sounds suspicious because Email Users doesn’t disable the WordPress version check. I would do the following:

    1. Temporarily disable all plugins and see if the issue persists. If it does when all plugins are disabled, it is likely a theme issue.
    2. If the problem stops when all plugins are enabled, enable only Email Users and see if the problem comes back.
    3. If the problem does return with only Email Users enabled, temporarily switch themes to one of the default WordPress themes (e.g. Twenty Ten, Twenty Twelve, etc.) and see if the problem persists. If it goes away, it is a theme issue.
    4. If the problem does not return with only Email Users enabled, enable the other plugins one at a time until the problem comes back. If/when it comes back, the last plugin enabled is likely the conflicting plugin.

    It is entirely possible that Email Users is the culprit but since the code hasn’t changed in a very long time, I would expect more reports if it is due to a WordPress change.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Do you want to send an email or a post or page content? Email Users primary capability has been to notify users via email about a new page or post on a WordPress site. Before the Editor changed, there was an options to “Notify Users” in the upper right hand corner of the editor.

    What you can do now is use the “Notify Users” menu on the Dashboard > Posts > Notify Users or Dashboard > Page > Notify Users menu to select a post or page to notify users about. It will bring up an editor with the post/page content in it and some coontrols for who you send it to.

    If you simply want to send email to users or a group, use the Dashboard > Email Users menu to compose an email and send it to your users or a group of users.

    If you want to use a template and the myriad of settings on Dashboard > Settings > Email Users doesn’t cover it, create a draft post with your template content then copy and paste it into a Send to Users / Send to Groups editor.

    Hope this helps.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I can’t replicate this problem – Email Users works fine on the three web sites I have it installed on.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Have you explored the myriad of options on the Dashboard > Settings > Email Users page? You have control over Email header and footer along with some substituion patterns to add content to emails.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    What sort of bugs are you running into? I can’t make any promises but I can try.

    As for Groups support, the plugin doesn’t dictate any one groups solution, if a group is defined and the WordPress API recognizes it, Email Users can use it. Or at least it used to. If WordPress has changed how groups work then it may no longer work.

    I just did a quick test on my site to send a group of users and it worked just like it did before. The Groups capability is based on Roles and Capabilities.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Sorry, I am not as plugged into the WordPress ecosystem as I used to be. I’ve tried to find someone to take over the plugin and keep it going without success. I’ve been out of the active WordPress community for a few years.

    However, that may be changing due to a new project I may get involved in. I’ve spent the better part of the rainy weekend sorting out my WordPress site which had to be moved to a new hosting solution which supports PHP7. Now that my site is moved, I need to rebuild my development platform. That likely won’t happen until next weekend but once that is done, I can look at making sure the plugin is at least current with current capabilities.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    A while back Google made some changes to forms which prevents this plugin from working. That is likely the issue. If you still have an old Google form, in theory it should still work. In that case, there is likely a Javascript error on your page somewhere which prevents the buttons from working correctly.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    This seems reasonable, let me see what I can do.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    If the Editor isn’t working, you likely have some sort of Javascript error which is preventing the Editor from loading propertly. This is usually causes by another plugin.

    The simple way to verify this is the problem is to temporaily disable all other plugins except Email Users and see if the problem persists. If the problem goes away, you need to enable other plugins until it stops working to narrow down the culprit.

    If the problem still persists after disabling all other plugins, it could be the theme. Does the theme have a custom Dashboard? If so, then there is a good chance that is the source of the problem but it is hard to know for sure unless you’re willing to temporarily change themes to see if the problem resolves.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    Did the users exist before you installed the plugin? If the users exists before Email Users was activated then the Email Users setting for their profile was never created. If a new user is created after the plugin is installed, the users will pick up the plugin settings. For all existing users you would need to set the state you want using the Bulk Setting option on the Dashboard.

    Plugin Author Mike Walsh


    I honestly don’t know the answer to your question about order, I would think it would happen after the users are selected when the email headers are constructed. I suspect the only way to know for sure is to try it. Sorry I can’t give you a better answer but I think this one requires some actual coding to see if you can get it to work.

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