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  • Thread Starter masterbeat


    Hi @tigroumeow , thanks for the quick response! Glad to hear you think it could work. I’ve gone ahead and purchased the Pro version of the plugin and will try it this week and communicate with you if I find it works or not, with Elementor, as the icross72 plugin works. Note that in his comments on that plugin he references an update where he had to specifically do something to make it work (I think) – so possibly you will have to do the same? Hoping you are open to that?

    Also note that I already have a ticket open on another Meow plugin created a few days ago, on the link above that you request, with no response. Are those being checked? I thought it odd that I got a response to the free WordPress support area before the contact/ticketed question on your website for a pro purchase. I have a ticket open regarding captions on your Gallery plugin appearing when they are turned off.

    It’s utter insanity that it is now February 8 2021 and MI STILL hasn’t got their plugin working to connect to a GA4 property. The API’s are there and work.

    Frustrating on new sites where we have to create a GA4 property in Analytics that MI’s default ‘connect’ tool can’t see them.

    I’m switching to Analytify on all new websites because it properly supports GA4. Get it together MI.

    Thread Starter masterbeat


    Hi @rafinkhan, no, I didn’t leave it out of my original review nor am I “diverting” to it now. I explained above that the confusion is in what we both call the “landing page”. You thought I meant the initial STARTING Betterdocs landing page, which, yes, is the only page that can be customized with Elementor.

    As you mention above, nothing in the actual DOCUMENT/BETTERDOCS article (which is what I mean is a landing page, as THIS is the page you LAND on when you click on an article from the main page) cannot be customized with Elementor. You can’t style anything. And there are no shortcakes available for the Betterdocs post type page.

    This is why the review clearly says “not ready for Elementor” which is true as we’ve both now clarified above – if ALL of Betterdocs isn’t customizable with Elementor, then why just have part of it? Hence, the review.

    Hopefully we’re all on the same page now.

    I do see in another review another person from BetterDocs claims all kinds of new features are coming with HOPEFULLY the ability to start styling the Betterdocs ARTICLE “landing” page in a new version.

    THEN You are ready to claim Elementor integration.

    Thank you! It is a great plugin, just impossible to style with Elementor completely, which is frustrating.

    @re_enter_rupok Hey Rupok, chiming in here as I have a one star review with no further response from support in a week regarding your misleading statement above that “if you use Elementor you can can achieve any kind of design for the Knowledge Base” –

    This is completely incorrect and even verified in a response from your support team and hence the 1 star review and non-answered questions I have here in reviews.

    As you must know, YES, you can style the first landing page of BetterDocs with Elementor and shortcake, but NO, you cannot style anything else – you can’t style the actual Docs/Articles pages with Elementor at all – you have to use your very limited and cumbersome plugin ‘design/layout’ tabs or Customizer. This is frustrating and misleading that you advertise integration with Elementor but the most important page to style and control – the actual Docs page where the TOC, article/document, breadcrumbs, etc are cannot be styled by Elementor. If it can, please let us know how!

    Thread Starter masterbeat


    @rafinkhan no response?

    Thread Starter masterbeat


    @rafinkhan Actually I have done some more testing and the confusion is on both sides and what we each call a “landing page”.

    YES – the main (first) “landing page” that BetterDocs loads on can be styled by Elementor by using the widget you indicate to place the “first” landing page on an Elementor page of your choice.

    BUT – what I’m talking about that seems it’s impossible to do is style the ARTILCE (DOCS) “landing page” – the page you land on AFTER selecting an article (doc), FAQ, etc – from the main page – as I’ve explained above in my first review, you use a “post type” for the docs and you don’t provide a way or widgets to style the results that appear on the article post type with Elementor – which completely breaks the look of our site.

    Our entire site and all pages are styled in Elementor. Let’s look at your main “landing page” which, yes, is styled by Elementor widget here:

    Now, click on a help article, let’s say go to this one:

    and you’ll see we can’t style anything with Elementor within the Article/Docs page because you don’t provide Elementor styling or widgets for anything rendered by the article/docs “landing” page. We’ve lost our boxed layout, we can’t type the TOC, titles, etc.

    That is the complaint referenced in this review.

    If I’m missing it or your support was wrong the first time, help understand how to style final ARTICLE LANDING PAGES in Elementor. WPDeveloper seems to go out of it’s way to provide tools to style things (even other people’s plugins) with your add-ons, it’s very strange your own BetterDocs plugin isn’t able to be FULLY styled with Elementor.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by masterbeat.
    Thread Starter masterbeat


    Hi @rafinkhan , thanks for the response, I will definitely go and try that now. I’m very confused why your own support team didn’t offer that the first time I asked. See below the entire thread where I said what I needed to do very clearly, and then your teams support response was basically “that it can’t be done.” Hence this review.

    See below – wish they had given me the response you gave above first. I will go try it now and get back to you if there are still problems or questions.

    Here is my original question to your support:
    To be more specific, this is your standard landing page (attached screenshot) for a Document.

    Notice all the elements on the page: breadcrumbs at top, category listing with articles in drop downs on the left, doc article on the right, commenting, sharing, reviews at the bottom. NONE of this is editable when we go to the page to edit it in Elementor. The section is 100% rendered by BetterDocs and there is no widgets for any of these items, making it almost impossible to properly “style” the Document page in Elementor.

    We were so excited we’d found BetterDocs and were going to leave HELPIE for BetterDocs, but the inability to properly style a document article page in Elementor is a big negative. You need widgets for all these sections, not just search and category box! Alternatively, you need at least a widget to generate this entire layout so it can be placed on an Elementor page. If we go to a blank Elementor canvas in your document (post type) to edit, then we lose ALL of the things above (breadcrumbs, left side bar listing, reviews/commenting) – and you don’t have widgets to place these items.

    Hope this makes sense and you have a solution?

    and here is your support response – notice they clearly say “it’s not possible to edit with element or since we have our own custom layouts.” – why didn’t they offer what you offer above?

    Hi Brett,

    First of all, I am sorry for the delayed response as we were closed due to the weekend. Regardless, about your query on Docs editing in Elementor, well, you can only edit the content part with Elementor. So, in that portion, you can add any Elementor widgets you want. That’s how BetterDocs works with Elementor.

    But if you are looking to customize any other portion like social share button, breadcrumbs, category list, or anything else, it’s not possible to edit ’em with Elementor since we have our own layouts and offering own customization options for them. I hope you understand.

    If that’s not what you are looking for, we can definitely proceed the refund for you as well. Thank you!

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    Team WPDeveloper

    Thread Starter masterbeat


    Hi David,

    Thanks for your quick and detailed response. I understand about the difference in fields now. The reason I need to do a bulk update of the name field is because, as described above, the use case is that unfortunately NextGen gallery, when importing images into a gallery, is taking the data in the “name” field to populate its “title” field. I agree, this is very bad design. And it’s why I’m trying to use MLA to rectify the situation. Manually updating the name field one by one is not a solution, as I can also just achieve that result by manually updating the ‘title’ field brought into NextGen one by one.

    But this is impractical when you are working with many galleries all with hundreds of images. You can imagine it is not fun manually updating, even pasting, a result into hundreds of fields.

    I can confirm NextGen is doing this as I’ve tested multiple imports of media – it was always getting this bad technical ‘filename’. So I originally got MLA to do a bulk update of the “title” field BEFORE importing with NextGen – imagine my surprise when, after updating ALL the title fields using MLA search and replace to a nice and friendly title, that an import with NextGen STILL had the ugly technical name inserted into it’s title field – various tests show that it has to be grabbing the data from the Name field to populate this field on import to it’s gallery. I’ve submitted a ticket to them and get vague answers on whether it’s acting by design or not. If by design, its bad design – why would you want to populate your title field from a field, that as you say, is supposed to be internal use and isn’t editable?

    While waiting for an unlikely fix from them, that is why we are turning to MLA for a solution to bulk update the Name field before importing to NextGen so that I don’t have to manually update hundreds of fileds with a pretty title.


    Come on guys – it’s a known bug and WooCommerce KNOWS ABOUT IT but still hasn’t fixed it. You can’t test it with sandbox, sandbox doesn’t show the error. The bug is with current Woocommerc version and Paypal Express gateway, after returning from Paypal for final checkout, the shipping methods vanish with “no shipping methods available” – only happens on live environemnt (WHICH OF COURSE NEEDS TO BE WORKING) – so you have to convince WOO to stop trying to test in sandbox and go to LIVE, and you’ll see the plugin and current Woocommerce don’t work – something got updated in Woocommerce causing all shipping methods to fail.

    I have a ticket open with Woocommerce support (going on a month) where they have VERIFIED the problem exists, documented it in the github, but STILL NO FIX. Come on guys. THe plugin is broken and worthless if we can’t get shipping methods to work!

    Thread Starter masterbeat


    Hey Alekv – I haven’t received an email from you and am still very interested in having you program in Bing conversion tracking for us- how can we get in touch?

    Thread Starter masterbeat


    Just bought you some beers too… 😉

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