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  • Thread Starter hozefze


    why was my last post deleted???

    W3TC can upload to Amazon S3.

    Once you have entered your AWS credentials, all links to media files will be replaced to their location on your S3 bucket, and you will be offered to upload all medias to your S3 bucket which can take a while depending on your files.

    During the upload you can pause/resume at any time, or even re-upload all files again.

    I did that for the past few years, and have switched to Amazon CloudFront. I’m not using S3 anymore (too slow and too expensive).

    I would suggest you to setup Amazon CloudFront instead which works differently than S3:
    – It’s a real CDN (S3 is not a CDN) and therefore reported as faster by Google PageSpeed Insight
    – It’s less expensive than S3 as you don’t pay for storage but only for bandwidth
    – You don’t need to upload your files, Amazon CloudFront will request the files by itself from your server upon user requests. That means that only files actually in use will be stored on the Amazon CloudFront CDN.

    When using Amazon CloudFront you don’t need to use S3, simply specify your existing web hosting as origin (Amazon CloudFront will download files from your hosting only once).

    Thread Starter hozefze


    Why don’t you add support for gzipping SVG files?

    Google PageSpeed Insights tells me that it could reduce my SVG file by 66% if I serve it gzipped!

    This plugin doesn’t deserve the popularity it has.


    I have the EXACT same issue. Setting metaboxes using OptionTree works fine, but HOW TO ACTUALLY RETRIEVE THE SAVED DATA???

    I tried to use get_post_meta() but apparently this is not where the data is saved as there is no trace of my metaboxes data.

    Checked using:
    <?php $test = get_post_meta($post-ID); print_r($test); ?>

    $post-ID is the correct ID of the page, verified that already.

    Please advise!

    I’m using javascript to actually hide the title field for List Item, leaving the item title above blank (which could be generated automatically like “Item 1”, “Item 2” etc.).

    I must say that it is frustrating to have fields that we can’t get ride of like this. I want the simplest experience for my users, and for the images slider I want them to upload images, and I don’t want them to be confused with a “Title” field wondering where the text will display or whatever, I just want them to see the file upload field only!!! I do have additional fields below to enter an optional description, but the FIRST FIELD is and MUST ABSOLUTELY BE FOR SIMPLENESS SAKE the file upload field and not a weird “Title” field!

    That said, I also find the inability to put HTML in the field labels really sad, again for my images slider I want to have a “Description” field but I want to name it “Description (optional)” but I just can’t! Can’t put HTML in the field label WHY SO MUCH RESTRICTION for fields supposed to be edited by developers only!

    @derek you should really consider giving the option to save/set one option/setting at a time.

    For example for my theme I want to set to one of the settings a specific value but I don’t want to change nor erase all of the other, and in the current form this is not possible.

    I know I can make an array compare with the one from get_option(‘option_tree’) etc. but that should definitely be done by OptionTree in a helper function like set_ot_option(…)

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