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  • Henry Stock


    I have a few thoughts.

    First, layering text over an image is probably handled best by CSS. You should look for information about z-index. An image with a z-index of zero is in the background a z-index of 100 is in the absolute foreground. You can layer stuff by selecting different z-inexes. I think that the way to do this is to create specific CSS classes with defined attributes one of which would be position: relative (to the common container). You can define offsets that would place the title a certain number of pixels below and to the right of (0,0) and has a z-index of say 20 while the image has a z-index of zero.

    Second thought. Look at the WordPress Theme Developers Handbook. They talk about template files that can be unique to a given page, post, type and few other attributes. It has to do with naming the file. This is all in the handbook, but I warn you that it may take some practice.

    Third idea. header.php is the file that shows the header site wide. If you know enough PHP then you might be able to add some conditional statements in that file to choose the image that you want for a specific page along with the page title. Note: There are WordPress (functions… I can’t remember the actual term) whose function are to return specific data from the database. For instande get_title(), I believe gets the page title. You will have to do more research on this.

    I am trying to learn this stuff too. I am trying to modify the twenty seventeen theme for my purposes.
    Last hint… Make a child theme from your original and select that before modifying. this will prevent any of your change from being overridden when your OceanWP Theme is updated by the producer. You can find plugins to create a child theme for you.

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Henry Stock.
    Henry Stock


    What service provider do you use? Hope that you can access this page. It talks about the many uses of the .htaccess file including URL redirect, which I used to redirect my son’s blog home page from his site to another location that he was using at the time.

    Henry Stock


    I also have some questions about the twenty seventeen menus within the header. By default it appears that the menu follows whatever image you have chosen for the theme. I have created a child theme so I can play with the theme without getting my changes overwritten, but what I would like to experiment with is moving the menu to the top of the image and also perhaps making the menu text smaller. I assume some of that is done by altering the style.css file in the child theme folder, but I am not so sure about how one moves the postion of the navigation bar.

    My test site:

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by Henry Stock.
    Henry Stock


    Hi Michael. Another question. I am trying to use a Calendar Events plugin with the Twenty Seventeen Theme. I have created a child Theme to avoid messing with the original code. If you look at this link:

    You will see that the calendar is confined to the right side of the page. I am thinking that this is because entry-content and entry-title are block code and so the title by default pushes the entry-content to the right.
    I am thinking that somehow I have to either add a blank <div></div> or clear both to code somewhere between the entry-title and entry-content. I am just not sure how to do that, whether it is a CSS Style sheet entry or in one of the .PHP files.

    All I know is that the calendar could stand to use more of the page width.

    Henry Stock


    Hi Michael, I was reading a response that you made to a request asking how to make a blog post width 100% about 1 year and 10 months ago. You posted this code for not showing the “Blog” Title
    @media screen and (min-width: 48em) {

    .blog:not(.has-sidebar) #primary article
    width: 100%;
    body:not(.has-sidebar):not(.page-one-column) .page-header
    display: none;
    I want to do something different. I am trying to filter blog entries by categories, so for instance
    shows only blog posts categorized as sermons. Before I used your code above the page title was something like “Category: Sermons”. I would still like to have a page title, but I would like to suppress the “Category;”.
    Do you have any idea how to do that?

    Thread Starter Henry Stock


    Sorry, I found my error.

    Thread Starter Henry Stock


    I guess that I should have surrounded my code with code tags. I did not. There doesn’t seem to be a way to edit my original post.

    I also posted this question in plugins and hacks.

    Thread Starter Henry Stock


    That is okay. I tend to ask if an easy search doesn’t turn up the answers. I also figure that it may stimulate ideas for those that do develop plugins.

    Henry Stock


    I am also having problems with captcha bank. In my case I can neither login using my user name and password, nor can I change my password because the app is not responding to my entry of the captcha characters and I am making sure I type them in in a case sensitive manner. I can go in and modify files, but I don’t want to screw up the installation any more than necessary.

    Henry Stock


    I am having trouble understanding how this calendar works. I can see it and edit it in the admin panel, but I have not et figured out how to show it to the outside world.

    Do you insert a code into a page like they do with contact forms?
    I would like to have a page dedicated to a events calendar. That is why I downloaded, this, but I am sorry that I have not figured out how to do this yet.

    Any help is appreciated.

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