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  • Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @traceyrickard ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I tried to view the file you sent over via Dropbox but it appears to have been deleted.

    I personally haven’t seen other reports of this though, but if possible can you kindly send over the file again so I can view it?

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @passportandpixels ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I’m taking a look at your account and It’s currently active. You should have no issues sending your emails.

    Is there a particular error you’re seeing when you try to send out your emails? If yes, can you send us a screenshot of this error message?

    Also kindly send us the following:

    • A screenshot of the MailPoet > Help > System Status page. Please ensure to capture the whole page or make several screenshots.
    • Copy and paste the information from MailPoet > Help > System Info.

    Kindly blur/redact any sensitive information before sending your screenshots as this is a public forum.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Kindly send us the following:

    • A screenshot of the MailPoet > Help > System Status page. Please ensure to capture the whole page or make several screenshots.
    • Copy and paste the information from MailPoet > Help > System Info.

    Kindly blur/redact out any sensitive information as this is a public forum.

    Looking forward to hearing from you!

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello again,

    Thank you for getting back to us and sending over the screenshot we requested.

    I’m taking a look at the error and I don’t recognise it.

    Can you run a conflict test leaving only MailPoet active and seeing if the error notice continues to display? Here’s a guide to help:

    Also you can clear your websites cache to see if that will help.

    Of course, feel free to reach out to us if you need any more help or have other questions and we’d be happy to help.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello again @logologics ,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Can you tell us if the email addresses listed as “Unconfirmed” belong to any list?

    Also I checked your logs and didn’t see anything that I could reference.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @beatxt ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Here’s a guide to help:

    I hope this helps.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @isaacolaleye ,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    I’m taking a look at your website and I can see a PopUp form on your website that wasn’t created with MailPoet. It appears you’ve switched to another provider.

    If you’re comfortable with your current form that’s fine. If you want us to troubleshoot why your MailPoet form wasn’t displaying for you we can do that as well.

    Kindly let us know.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @chattingwiththelightkeeper ,

    We truly appreciate you taking the time to provide your candid review of MailPoet.

    I’m pleased to inform you that we’ve recently undertaken a comprehensive project aimed at revising and updating our documentation. This initiative was specifically directed at enhancing clarity, ensuring currency with our latest plugin interface, and improving the overall user experience for both seasoned users and newcomers to WordPress.

    Your Insight Matters:
    In order to address the concerns you outlined directly, we would be grateful if you could share with us any specific areas or topics within our documentation that you found confusing. This will enable us to focus our efforts more effectively and make improvements where they are most needed.

    Optimizing Mobile Responsiveness:
    Regarding the mobile responsiveness of our forms, we acknowledge the importance this holds in today’s digital landscape. Although our forms are designed to be mobile-responsive, there are instances where the interaction with certain themes or custom settings may require additional adjustments.

    Luckily, we offer a guide that provides custom CSS code to fine-tune the display of subscription forms on mobile devices. Your particular concern about forms not translating well to mobile can often be mitigated by adapting the styles as suggested in our guide: Adding Custom CSS to Your Website.

    Personal Assistance:
    If you did not already, I encourage you to reach out to our support team for any urgent issues or specific assistance. Our dedicated team is on stand by to guide you through the process, ensuring you get the most out of MailPoet.

    Your satisfaction is important to us, and we are committed to making your experience a better one. We look forward to your response detailing specific documentation concerns, and we are here to provide any further assistance you may require.

    Thank you for choosing MailPoet.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @stelpavlou ,

    Thank you for sharing your concerns regarding your experience with MailPoet. We are committed to continuous improvement and value your feedback.

    Firstly, concerning the issue you encountered with your review being altered, it’s important to note that MailPoet does not possess the capability to change customer reviews. We uphold a principle of integrity and transparency in all user interactions.

    Regarding the mobile responsiveness of emails, we understand the importance of ensuring that newsletters display correctly across all devices. We encourage you to utilize the design options available and contact our support should you require any specific adjustments.

    On the topic of syncing newsletter subscribers with WordPress users, MailPoet creates a WordPress user list intended to manage subscribers efficiently. Errors indicating a user is already in the system typically point to pre-existing records within MailPoet’s subscriber list e.g they might be in the Trash tab. Our team can provide guidance on managing these instances effectively.

    It’s also crucial to clarify that MailPoet does not have access to your website’s database nor do we harvest your subscriber lists. All operations related to data handling within MailPoet are performed under strict compliance with privacy regulations, ensuring that no unauthorized data manipulation occurs externally or internally.

    Regarding your experience with deleting users from the subscriber list, using MailPoet’s provided tools for this purpose ensures that none of your setup or configurations are affected. Direct interventions in the database tables outside of the established functionalities of the plugin can lead to unexpected outcomes, including the need to reset your configuration. For this reason, we highly encourage following our knowledge base guides to execute these modifications.

    MailPoet deeply respects your business and trust. If there are any further issues or if you need assistance navigating the features of our plugin, please reach out to our support team. We are dedicated to ensuring that your experience with MailPoet meets your expectations.

    Best regards.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @nnmedia,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    To understand and resolve this issue effectively, we will need a bit more visual information. Could you please provide us with a screenshot of the duplicated checkboxes as they appear on the page?

    Alternatively, if you could send us a direct link to your “Manage my subscription” page, that would also allow us to see the issue firsthand.

    Once we have either the screenshot or the direct link, we’ll be able to take a closer look at what might be causing the duplicated privacy check boxes and guide you through the steps to resolve it.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello again @victoriapl ,

    I can see that the first name field is populated correctly.

    It is also possible that there could be a plugin conflict or a setting on your WordPress site that is affecting the output of the shortcode. Try disabling any recently added or updated plugins one by one to figure out if there is a conflict. Here’s a guide to help:

    I hope this points out the issue.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there Anna,

    As you’ve guessed, using the “filter by segment” feature alone won’t completely solve the problem of ensuring subscribers receive only one email per posting event, tailored to their specific list preferences. Here’s a workaround that you can implement to ensure each subscriber receives exactly what they signed up for:

    Step-by-step Workaround:

    1. Categorize Your Posts:

    • Ensure that every post you publish is categorized correctly according to the lists like “Music”, “News”, and “Styling”.

    2. Create Post Notification for Each Category:

    • Create a separate post notification for each category.
    • When setting up the post notification, select the specific category related to that notification.
    • For instance, one notification sends only posts categorized under “Music” to the “Music” list, another sends posts categorized under “News” to the “News” list, etc.

    3. Use Subscriber Preferences for Further Filtering:

    • On your subscription form, ensure subscribers can choose their preferred categories. Store this data as custom subscriber fields or use segmentations built through these preferences.

    4. Schedule Notifications Depending on Posting Frequency:

    • If you frequently post in all categories, schedule each category’s post notifications differently to spread them out across the week or month. This tactic avoids overwhelming subscribers with too much content all at once.

    Additional Tips:

    • Test Your Setup: Before going live with multiple notifications, send test emails to yourself or a set of test subscribers. This way, you can ensure that everything is set up correctly without errors.
    • Subscriber Experience: Occasionally remind your subscribers that they can update their category preferences via their subscription settings. Providing control can help reduce unsubscribe rates and increase engagement.
    • Monitoring and Adjusting: Keep an eye on your analytics to see how well different types of notifications perform. This data is crucial for refining your strategy over time.

    By implementing these steps, you create a more dynamic and user-friendly experience that respects subscriber preferences and minimizes the risk of them receiving unwanted emails from categories they haven’t chosen. Although it requires a bit more initial setup, this tailored approach should significantly enhance reader satisfaction and engagement with your notifications.

    If you need any more help setting this up or have any other questions, feel free to reach out. We’re here to help.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello again @wpfixfast ,

    Thank you for getting back to us.

    Although it takes few clicks to get your shortcode, I see reason in making this more accessible/more easier to see.

    You’re welcome to add it as a suggestion here

    Our team will take it into account when discussing new features and improvements for the plugin 🙂

    Thank you!

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there @gianpy81 ,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    Before we proceed with a deeper investigation, could you please clarify if these formatting changes are occurring across all email providers (such as Gmail, Outlook, Yahoo, etc.) or if they seem to be limited to specific ones? This information will help us pinpoint the cause more accurately.

    Moreover, to aid us in further diagnosing the problem, we kindly request the following:

    1. Send the Malfunctioning Email to Our Testing Address: Please send the email that isn’t rendering correctly to Ensure that you send it using MailPoet’s preview feature as outlined here: How to Check Your Newsletter Before Sending It. This will allow us to examine its rendering across different devices and email clients.
    2. Share Visuals of the Issue: If possible, please attach screenshots showing how the email looks in the editor vs. how it looks when sent or previewed. This visual comparison will greatly aid in identifying the specific elements that are not rendering as expected.

    Please reply to this email with the subject line of the email once you’ve sent it, along with any screenshots you are able to provide.

    We appreciate your cooperation and patience as we work together to resolve this. In the meantime, here are a few general recommendations that might improve the rendering in some cases:

    • Check for any conflicting CSS styles: Sometimes, custom CSS styles might interfere with the default MailPoet email styles, especially when previewed or opened in different email clients.

    Looking forward to hearing back from you.

    Plugin Support Ojoma a11n


    Hello there,

    Thank you for reaching out to us.

    I want to delete old subscribers, but nothing happens when I delete them.
    They do not go to the trash, and those that were already in trash, can also not be removed.

    You can learn how to fix this by going here:

    As soon as I click on for example “non confirmed subscribers” my browser’s gives a message saying that this page is slowing down the browser, please stop this page. Seems like everything freezes and clicking on the trash tab, or others simply not works. This happens in Firefox and Edge too.

    Any idea’s how to solve this?

    If you go to MailPoet > Subscribers, and expand the “Screen Options” panel in the top-right corner of the screen, how many subscribers do you have it configured to display?  If you have it set to a very high number — i.e. 500 subscribers — that could certainly slow down the page. In that case, please try switching it to ~20 – 30 subscribers and see if the page loading speed improves:


    Screenshot direct link:

    PS. Also I keep getting mails that I exceeded my subscriber limit and yet I only have 454 subcribers (actually only 54) but the unconfirmed ones keep getting added after I remove them.

    You can learn how to fix this by going here: How is the subscriber limit calculated?

    I hope this helps.

    Of course, feel free to reach out to us if you need any more help or have other questions and we’d be happy to help.

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