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  • Thread Starter cmqcmq


    Indeed – that would be the good shape!

    But first, I can’t use a widget for my purpose, I need it in the page. And second, I can’t afford the Pro version, usage is for a not-for-profit social project page. Would be great to have this shape in the parameters section …

    Besides, in the German version, there is a display error, see here:


    Thread Starter cmqcmq


    Thanks Gioni!

    I installed the development version, a painless exercise.

    Will this development version of the plugin notify me of future updates, or will I have to check manually?


    Thread Starter cmqcmq


    Sorry for late reply – extremely busy these days.

    In fact, my problem is not really resolved neither. In Thunderbird, one can force UTF-8, and this makes the plugin mails readable. However, other mails start showing strange characters.

    When reading the mails in the Gmail interface, everything looks fine.

    Honestly, I don’t really know where the problem is, but if you give me a lead, I am willing to check it up.


    Thread Starter cmqcmq


    Concerning translation: found this and started working on it – wonderful tool!

    Thread Starter cmqcmq


    Yes, the modularity of your plugin with the possibility to adapt the tags is clearly one of the big advantages of your plugin. So why not apply the same functionality to the submission confirmation e-mail as well instead of relying on a translation file?

    Concerning translation: I have contacted the user in the mentioned thread, let’s see what comes out of that. I understand from other threads that there is just one file (.pot) with the captions to translate? If so, where do I find this file and whom should I submit the translation to? Sorry, never did that before, and if you have a link to a tut or general information on this subject, it will be appreciated.

    A suggestion concerning the layout, just for optical reasons: on the submission form, it would be nice to have the fields a bit further right, to leave more place for the captions (other languages tend to have longer words than English 😉 ) Also, the “select a category” menu appears to be lower in height than the other fields of the form. This is not very important, but could contribute to a nicer perception in general.

    Contribution is in process – thanks for your great work!



    Bitte kontaktiere mich unter “translation ät 1cm punkt eu”, vielleicht können wir das zusammen machen.


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