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  • Thread Starter Beda


    Yeah ok. Nice rubberduck session.

    I answered my question in my own question:
    > the nonce is regenerated by check_ajax_referer() with the same UID, time and action – it is not retrieved from some session storage. Thus, it tries to validate a nonce that is generated with a new random or time value… and therefore fails.

    Closing as I completely missed the point 😛

    Thread Starter Beda


    Yes, I figured it out meanwhile

    @imodouglas sorry when you replied I read only your email which stated it does not exist, and I did not even re-read your reply above when I replied to you.

    I can now also see the release here, so all good.

    Case closed.

    Thread Starter Beda


    I have had replaced the plugin manually actually to the latest (your) version right after the auto-update but, please check again that this is really not your version.

    It came from the wp org. Our server admin confirmed this. So if the version doesn’t exist…. The problem is not on our server.

    Thread Starter Beda


    Indeed, this is exactly it.

    Thank you so much @bcworkz!

    And yes, I also do wonder why the conversion to string using ltrim.
    The whole thing is a bit weird.
    The Docbloc states that:

    * @return array|string Array of attribute values keyed by attribute name.
    * Returns empty array if there are no attributes.
    * Returns the original arguments string if it cannot be parsed.

    Why return a string of original arguments if they cannot be parsed?
    It should just ignore the “incompatible” stuff and return a solid, consistent type, in this case, array.
    This way, dependent code would not have to struggle.

    I opened an issue here

    Thanks again for your help on this.

    Thread Starter Beda


    Hi, thanks for the answer.

    No, not really – I just would like the default email that WooCommerce has for when an order is complete, to work. Actually, I have this exact issue here (as many other users seem to have):

    However, in our case, it does not work even without any other plugins nr with StoreFront Theme

    I managed meanwhile to force-send an email using wp_mail() on the woocommerce_order_status_changed hook, so that part is resolved, yet, the default WooCommerce “Order Complete” Email, still does not send.

    This is true even if only WooCommerce, Veeqo Integration Plugin, and Storefront Theme are active.
    All other emails, work just fine.

    Thread Starter Beda


    Hi @eteubert – thanks for confirming what I suspected.

    Yes, the solution with a unique URL is what I came up too, in detail it actually will be an URL with a unique hash composed of username and other data, which the user can “generate”. Of course, there is still the risk of that user sharing their URL outside, but then, if someone is paying it is a low risk that they will then share it openly.


    Editors have a limited set of capabilities, but they can clearly access the backend (WP Admin) area, as long no other plugin, code or theme interrupts the default functionality of WordPress.
    You can read more about these roles’ capabilities here:

    Thus, I suspect some plugin you use (Potentially the mentioned “PublishPress Capabilities”) interferes with the native WordPress behaviour.
    You can try to switch theme, and/or disable plugins one by one until the issue is resolved.

    You should at least perform a full backup of the website before you do this, or, preferably, try it on a staging server.

    Indeed an editor should be able to _edit_ own or others pages, as outlined in the DOC.

    Thus I suspect some other plugin, or perhaps your theme, is causing the issue.
    You should try to switch the theme from whichever you use to a standard theme (perhaps TwentyTwenty), and if that does not resolve the issue, also disable your plugins until the issue goes away – at which point you can spot the culprit plugin by re-enabling them one by one until the issue appears again.

    Please either perform a full backup of your site prior to doing these steps or perform them on a staging site (preferred), so you do not accidentally lose some data, settings or else.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Plug-Ins limit?

    The message you are seeing indicates a Fatal PHP error, and the issue appearing after activating a number of plugins indicates that any of the plugins activated causes the issue, potentially also only if activated together with other plugins.

    You should activate the WP Debug mode, repeat the steps that lead to the issue, and then read the debug.log file that gets generated inside your wp-content folder.
    It will, at some line, probably indicate a PHP Fatal error:.

    These details will then allow you to spot the potential issue, and either report it to the causing plugin, or perhaps fix it on your own, if it is an easy to fix issue.

    Thread Starter Beda


    Indeed, an AJAX query is logged, it succeeds, and on page reload, the alert is gone.
    Yet, it is back after a while (For example, yesterday I dismissed it, and today, approx 24 hours later, same user and browser, it was back)

    This is weird because the ajax is successful, and all other alerts stay dismissed, just this one keeps hunting me back.

    Weirdly, yesterday the alert came back _immediately_ at first, while when I dismissed it later, it stayed as said dismissed, until today I came in and it was back.
    Admittedly it was _another admin screen_. Does it dismiss only per user _and_ specific admin screen perhaps?

    Thank you.

    • This reply was modified 10 months, 3 weeks ago by Beda.

    Same here but from version 7.2.1 to 7.2.2, and that version does not exist in the changelog:

    I would assume this was a security patch released silently to outdated versions, as it appears, according to this reply, which is related to yet another version patch.

    I would suppose they did not publish the release in the changelog to avoid exploits until they know all vulnerable versions are updated.

    Thread Starter Beda


    Thanks for your reply

    More than Email feed, we see this issue in the online RSS Feed like for example using Chrome >

    I would assume your plugin also alters that feed, right?

    The images are there btw, just not in the right location.

    When I check with the image is there too (standard method only thou) and they do link, weirdly, to the post, while the feed in the Chrome for example, does not link the images, but the images appear (just at the wrong location)

    You should check the changelog

    3.9.3 – APRIL 25, 2023
    Fix: [Security] CVE-2022-43490: Temporarily remove uninstall flow to avoid inadvertent uninstallation of the plugin, props @Lucisu via Patchstack.
    Fix: [Security] CVE-2022-43450: Check for capabilities in ‘wp_ajax_load_alerts_settings’ AJAX action before loading alert settings, props @Lucisu via Patchstack.

    Also it is visible here:

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 2 months ago by Beda.
    Thread Starter Beda


    :O That table requires me to wait for the next week lol, I kind of exhausted my brain this week.

    However… if I say “Give me Apples OR Oranges (fruits), but always give me RED (color) AND Ripe (state)”

    Fruits, Colors, States are taxonomies.
    Apples, Oranges are terms in Fruits
    Red is a color, ripe a state

    So… this is OR, right?

    Well, at least that is what I understand on it (and got it working, apart of the side issues mentioned, which I supposed I will managed to resolve)

    For all the related field names you append [] to them and PHP will automatically parse the values into a single array

    Yeah, this is what I do… I am not sure why that error happens, I have to dig that one more.

    Thanks @bcworkz!

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Beda.
    Thread Starter Beda


    Ok so this was as expected on me

    The IN rule does indeed search in an “OR” fashion inside the single taxonomy.
    And the outer AND does indeed connect the taxonomies themselves properly.

    My mistake was, I had some mess in my code that pushed an empty array with an empty key to the query when any of the taxonomies had nothing selected (since the Query Param itself is there nonetheless, I had to put in a check to NOT push an empty array with an empty key in those cases, but indeed nothing instead)

    To illustrate that, what I produced was:

    [tax_query] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [taxonomy] => geography
                                [field] => slug
                                [terms] => Array
                                        [0] => afghanistan
                                [operator] => IN
                        [1] => Array
                                [taxonomy] => access-control
                                [field] => slug
                                [terms] => Array
                                        [0] => 
                                [operator] => IN
                        [relation] => AND

    Instead of this:

    [tax_query] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [taxonomy] => geography
                                [field] => slug
                                [terms] => Array
                                        [0] => afghanistan
                                [operator] => IN
                        [relation] => AND

    (for when one of the inputs had no selection (as you can see one of the arrays presented an empty terms array key)

    I still have 2 problems thou

    1. In the query, when I dump it, I can see the query_vars key tax_query is properly populated with any selection I make
    2. But in the query’s tax_query key, any terms I pass with a multiple checkboxes selection are again left empty:

    [queries] => Array
                        [0] => Array
                                [taxonomy] => access-control
                                [terms] => Array
                                        [0] => 
                                [field] => slug
                                [operator] => IN
                                [include_children] => 1
                        [1] => Array
                                [taxonomy] => geography
                                [terms] => Array
                                        [0] => afghanistan
                                [field] => slug
                                [operator] => IN
                                [include_children] => 1
                [relation] => AND

    _even if I have the proper selection in the query_vars key tax_query!_

    And yet it produces the right results. Now that puzzles… but I believe it is connected to an error I see in the logs related to PHP Warning: urlencode() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given in /public/wp-includes/formatting.php on line 5525

    I am doing something wrong with the multiple checkboxes I fear. I guess from here I can debug it 😀

    Thanks for the handholding and listening.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Beda. Reason: backeffingticks
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