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  • Thread Starter arxnyc


    Thank you for your reply but I inserted the line with the space as you suggested …but is still not working.

    Thread Starter arxnyc


    I have tried the .locality.sep {display:none} suggestion but it didn’t worked …so for no I just left it as it is

    Thread Starter arxnyc


    Yes is on the calendar event detail page
    looks like this

    …so that comma just looks wired and I didn’t manage to move the country next to the city .

    Thank you

    Thread Starter arxnyc


    2 questions :
    1) There might be a little bug …I am not sure but the counting of the tickets seems not to change value after selling.
    I set up the tickets for CONTINUOUS method of counting and the number of the tickets to 100. I actually bought one of my tickets through PayPal ( using another PayPal account ) and everything was OK the payment was successful but the counting still shows 100 tickets …maybe you want to check that as well
    2) Can you please where is this line of code <span class=”sep”>, </span> located ( in which file) ?
    ( it just gives a wired look like is just hanging after the city but the next address line is below and I was wondering if I can eliminate it )

    Thank you very much

    Thread Starter arxnyc


    it is working now …that was the bug …the calendar won’t save the right URL …THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT !

    Thread Starter arxnyc


    this is the value saved in the calendar settings field…but this page doesn’t seems to exist actually …hmmm
    thank you for your prompt reply

    Thread Starter arxnyc


    I am sorry for the bad review …I got very frustrated after 2 days trying to setup this plugin. I will try to correct it !
    Yes the SELLING THICKETS section is showing up on the new page so if I go to that page I can see the BUY TICKETS FORM and the selling goes thru in my case with PayPal.
    The problem is with the CALENDAR of EVENTS …I linked the calendar to my TOP MENU so the calendar shows up on a page and I see the event on the calendar but when I click on that event I expect to be taken to the event page I just created …instead I am being taken to an missing page !!! Same thing with the minicalendar.
    Your documentation looks very well organized and so is your work but the interface of your plugin is a little bit confusing …no need for so many choices couple of basic steps should be enough 🙂
    Thank you for the prompt reply …as I said I will review my ratings.

    Thread Starter arxnyc



    Thread Starter arxnyc


    Thank you very much …just wanted to confirm with you
    ADD EVENT => than on the EVENT REGISTRATION SECTION ( of the add event page ) => TYPE OF SALE check radio button TICKET SALE ?

    Thank you very much

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