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  • Thread Starter aissamhidoussi


    It turned out that it was a misunderstanding from my part, in fact the above method doesn’t restrict page content, even in the front-end, it just redirect users, and the page’s content is still retrievable through other methods (search, feed, …etc)

    I’ve ended up with delivering pages content programmatically through shortcodes where I can check permissions strictly, and the redirections are just for a good user experience.

    Thread Starter aissamhidoussi


    Thank you @bcworkz

    I couldn’t find a good way to use the rest_pre_echo_response filter to accomplish what I need, however, I’ve searched other rest api filter and I found rest_request_before_callbacks. and I’ve tried this code:

    function pgmgr_restrict_api_requests( $response, $handler, WP_REST_Request $request )
      global $current_user;
      $routes_require_login = null;
      foreach( pgmgr_get_page_ids_by_slug('csd') as $key => $val )
        $routes_require_login[] = '/wp/v2/pages/' . $val;
      if( PGMGR_DEBUG )
      if ( $current_user instanceof WP_User && ! $current_user->exists() && in_array( $request->get_route(), $routes_require_login, true ) ) {
          return new WP_Error( 'rest_cannot_read', 'No permission to view this post.', 
            array( 'status' => 401 ) );
      return $response;
    add_filter( 'rest_request_before_callbacks', 'pgmgr_restrict_api_requests', 10, 3 );

    It works fine when requesting wp/v2/pages/page_id, and return 401 response, but it deliver the content of page when requesting it using other methods, i.e., wp/v2/pages?slug=page_slug

    Is there a method to check if some page with id is requested through rest api whatever the method, or should i check all available method to request a page through rest api and validate them to restrict the access?

    Thread Starter aissamhidoussi


    Thank you very much, i’ll wait for the next update.

    For now, as a temporary solution, I’ve added the wallet to menus dynamically, with a check; if primary at the end, if handheld at the 2nd position. About the icon, i couldn’t figure its css, i tried the unicode with awesomfont css and i’ve found that it’s a user profile icon, not a wallet icon.

    // Add mini-wallet to primary and handheld menus
    function new_nav_menu_items($items, $args) {
    	if (!function_exists('woo_wallet') || !is_user_logged_in()) {
    		return $items;
    	$title = __('Current wallet balance', 'woo-wallet');
    	$mini_wallet = '<li id="menu-item-4661" class="menu-item menu-item-type-custom menu-item-object-custom menu-item-4661 focus"><a style="color:#FFFFFF;" href="' . esc_url(wc_get_account_endpoint_url(get_option('woocommerce_woo_wallet_endpoint', 'woo-wallet'))) . '" title="' . $title . '"><i class="fas fa-wallet"></i> ';
    	$mini_wallet .= woo_wallet()->wallet->get_wallet_balance($user_id);
    	$mini_wallet .= '</a></li>';
    	if($args->theme_location == 'primary')
    		// add the mini wallet link to the end of the menu
    		$items = $items . $mini_wallet;
    	else if($args->theme_location == 'handheld')
    		// add the mini wallet link to the second plage of the menu
    		$items_array = array();
    		while ( false !== ( $item_pos = strpos ( $items, '<li', 2 ) ) ) // Add the position where the menu item is placed
    			$items_array[] = substr($items, 0, $item_pos);
    			$items = substr($items, $item_pos);
    		$items_array[] = $items;
    		array_splice($items_array, 1, 0, $mini_wallet); // insert custom item after 1th item one
    		$items = implode('', $items_array);
    	return $items;
    add_filter( 'wp_nav_menu_items', 'new_nav_menu_items', 10, 2);

    I appreciate if you could add options to control mini-wallet’s position in different available menus in the next update/release.

    Thread Starter aissamhidoussi


    Thank you for your help.

    Thread Starter aissamhidoussi


    Thank you, waiting for your post.

    For now, is there any plugin to control user’s registration and Super Socializer is compatible with it?

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