• Resolved arxnyc


    I am using zeever template and I would like to get advise on how to change the color of the border of the hamburger menu ( on mobile preview ). There is no such customizing options when I am trying the editor.
    I also cannot figure out on what css file is this line

    .guten-uNzlPk .guten-nav-menu .gutenverse-hamburger-menu {
    border-style: solid;
    border-width: 2px;
    border-color: rgba(102, 252, 241, 1);

    which will change the color of that border.
    Thank you very much

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  • Pradnya


    Hi @arxnyc

    The option is in Hamburger Menu section. You can try to change the Color in the Border Type option. See this screenshot as a reference: https://prnt.sc/snf2BpvHhBs5

    For the CSS, the border-color property will change the border color of hamburger menu.

    Let me know if you still have questions.




    We haven’t heard you for a while. We will close this topic. If you still have questions or getting a problem, you can ask us by creating a new topic.

    Also if you don’t mind, please leave us a review about your experience using our plugin. It will help us a lot to grow the community, improve our plugin, add features and provide the best experience for our users.

    Thank you



    On the Zeever theme. I changed all the aqua color to orange. How and where do I change the bird the flamingo’s color on the top front page???????

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Naj.
    Plugin Author Yoga


    Hi @nickoli1890

    We recommend to create your own topic, so it will be easier for us to manage each issue.
    Regarding the bird picture in Zeever theme, it is a static picture.
    You cannot change the bird’s color in the picture.
    But if you need to change the image, you can click on the section and go to Background and change the Background Image.

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