• Resolved kameleonchristian


    Hi, we are seeing the message:

    Your store requires a security update for the WooCommerce Stripe plugin. Please update the WooCommerce Stripe plugin immediately to address a potential vulnerability.”

    Even though the Core, All plugins and Themes are up-to-date.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hello @kameleonchristian,

    Thanks for reaching out.

    Your store requires a security update for the WooCommerce Stripe plugin. Please update the WooCommerce Stripe plugin immediately to address a potential vulnerability.”

    Where exactly are you seeing the error messages from? Is it the back-end of your site?

    In the meantime, I’d like to understand your site setup, could you please share with us your system status report which you can find under WooCommerce > Status > Get system report > Copy for support, then paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.

    Also, share any generated error logs (if any) under WooCommerce > Status > Logs, then paste it via https://gist.github.com/ and send the link here.

    Plugin Support anastas10s (woo-hc)


    We haven’t heard back from you in a while, so I’m going to mark this as resolved – we’ll be here if and/or when you are ready to continue.

    Hi, I am seeing the same message:
    “Action required: Security update for WooCommerce Stripe plugin
    Your shop requires an important security update for the WooCommerce Stripe plugin. The fix for this vulnerability was released on July 31. Please update immediately.”
    Even after updating stripe plugin.
    Here is the gist : https://gist.github.com/akougblenou/51d24603b12a7be3948a1b0c28fad517

    Plugin Support ckadenge (woo-hc)


    Hi there @antoinek95,

    I suggest that you start a new thread with your case, so that we don’t mix several troubleshooting sessions in one thread.

    Even if the symptoms are the same, perhaps the underlying problem is different in your case.

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