• Hello,

    The message You are just one step away – Complete “Ocean Custom Sidebar” Activation Now does not close

    And I don’t see the sidebar, I did everything according to your guide, What am I doing wrong?

    Thanks in advance

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello @psydrug,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    You can use the “dismiss” action from the right side of that notification to remove it: https://postimg.cc/dkFTyfmJ.

    Then you’ll be allowed to add a sidebar from WP Dashboard > OceanWP > Sidebars: https://postimg.cc/8J5RX39N.

    And all sidebars will be available on widgets: https://postimg.cc/JsfSL3mf.

    Best Regards

    Hi @psydrug,

    Do you perhaps have any other OceanWP websites and did you use the same admin email to opt in, perhaps?

    Either way, this is really simple to resolve and I’ll guide you through the entire process:

    1. Download the Freemius Fixer plugin (hit the green CODE button, download ZIP): https://github.com/Freemius/freemius-fixer
    2. Install the zip via Plugins > Add New, and activate
    3. Download data then use the option to clean data (you can’t go wrong, only these 2 options are available)
    4. Once done, navigate back to your admin page (your.url/wp-admin)
    5. Remove the Freemius Fixer plugin
    6. Enjoy building your website

    Let us know how it goes

    Thread Starter psydrug


    Hello to you,

    Thanks for the quick reply

    Freemius Fixer plugin helped me to make the message disappear

    But still the right sidebar does not appear

    I have 9 more sites with your design

    Thanks in advance

    Thread Starter psydrug


    On other sites I didn’t check the right or left sidebar because I don’t need them there

    Hello @psydrug,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    The sidebar does not load on your product page because you use an Elementor template for single product pages. In this case, Elementor will overwrite the general settings from the theme.

    To add the sidebar from the theme, you must disable the template in Elementor. If you want to keep using that template, you must edit it and add your custom sidebar to that Elementor template for your single product pages.

    I hope it helps.
    Best Regards

    Thread Starter psydrug


    Hello again @skalanter

    Thank you very much for your reply and support

    I want to keep the elementor template
    I didn’t understand exactly what I should do

    I did what was needed as in the picture without success 🙁

    Thanks in advance

    Hello @psydrug,

    Thank you for reaching out,

    Since you’re using a theme builder, you cannot manage the Elementor template within the theme. In this case, please open the primary template for the single product you built and add a column in your desired position. After that, add the “Sidebar” Widget and choose your desired sidebar.

    If you want to use the default OceanWP template for single product pages, you must deactivate the Elementor template. The single product will then automatically switch to the theme’s default.

    Next, you can manage the layouts in the theme (Customizer and OceanWP Settings). However, you won’t be able to use these settings until you stop using an Elementor template for single product pages. This is because Elementor or another third-party plugin has overwritten our templates.

    Find the way you added that template and disable it.

    Regarding this case, if you’re using any pro plugin to add theme builder functionality to your website, we are unable to provide support for commercial products/services. Please read the forum guidelines: https://wordpress.org/support/guidelines/#do-not-post-about-commercial-products

    I hope it helps.
    And thank you for understanding,
    Best Regards

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