• Resolved mike00200


    Hello team,
    Yoast is making 2 issues with me:
    1- It shows all my website pages as orphan content (orphaned pages) although they are all interlinked and some of them are linked to so many pages.

    2-When i try to use suggest a page for back linking, it shows that there is no relevant subject! how come and the website is all relevant ?

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  • Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Hello @mike00200,

    Thanks for reaching out. I’ve addressed your concerns below:

    Orpahned content
    Orphaned Content is a page, post, or product with no internal links pointing toward it. As a result, these articles are hard to find, both by Google and by users of your site. The Orphaned Content feature in Yoast SEO warns you about posts or pages that are considered orphaned content. To resolve this warning, you should add links to these posts from other posts on your site. For your posts not to be orphaned, they need to satisfy two conditions:

    1. There should be a link to another post on your website. That is called incoming internal link.
    2. There should be another post on your website that links back to your link. This is called outgoing internal links

    Internal linking suggestions
    Internal linking makes use of the Insights tool in Yoast SEO. Insights collects the most prominent words in the blog post you are writing. The linking tool uses this data to find the best-fitting posts while you are writing. A related post appears in the Yoast internal linking meta box when the two posts have overlapping prominent words. We compare the top 20 prominent words in the current post to every other post on your site to find overlapping prominent words. The more overlapping prominent words a post has with the current post, the higher its position will be in the internal linking list. So, if there are no suggestions, it means there are no overlapping prominent words.

    Thread Starter mike00200


    Hi @maybellyne

    Thanks for getting back to me. Well maybe i was not clear enough. I understand what it means but the issue is that these pages are already internally linked on other pages but YOAST still consider them as an orphan page!
    Is there something wrong with YOAST setting? why such happens?

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Kindly provide an affected URL and

    • a link to another post on your website you added
    • Another post on your website that links back to your link.
    Thread Starter mike00200


    Here is an example:
    This page: https://www.goldenluxortours.com/luxor-attractions/luxor-temple
    Is linked here: https://www.goldenluxortours.com/tour/ms-concerto-nile-cruise
    And linked here too https://www.goldenluxortours.com/tour/tour-to-karnak-and-luxor-temples
    But YOAST still shows it as an orphaned page! What do i miss/need to do?

    Appreciate your help and support

    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    Thanks for that example! Please try the following:

    1. Install & activate the Yoast Test Helper plugin
    2. Go to Tools > Yoast Test
    3. Locate the Yoast SEO section and click on the ‘Reset indexables tables & migrations‘, ‘Reset Prominent words calculation‘, and ‘Reset Internal link counter‘ buttons. After each click, the page will reload to confirm that the specific reset was successful.
    4. Go to SEO > Tools, and under SEO data, click the “Start SEO data optimization” button to allow Yoast to rescan your content.

    Please let us know if the reported issue remains after resetting the optimized data.

    Thread Starter mike00200


    Ok but before i do, will this reset any page/tour YOAST setting that i added? as changing it will be a disaster. I want to be sure of what this will affect before i do.

    Second thing you said:

    1. There should be a link to another post on your website. That is called incoming internal link. (is this checked as there are 2 links reefer to 2 tours in Luxor temple ) ?
    2. There should be another post on your website that links back to your link. This is called outgoing internal links (is this the cruise page/tour page that mentioned Luxor temple) ?
    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    will this reset any page/tour YOAST setting that i added? as changing it will be a disaster. 

    No, this doesn’t change your existing SEO settings/data

    Second thing you said:

    Click below to see the links that qualify:

    Thread Starter mike00200


    Great i will try and give you feedback regarding this
    Any clue why links you attached appear like this? and how come page still loads although it is not an existing URL ?

    • This reply was modified 1 month, 3 weeks ago by mike00200.
    Plugin Support Maybellyne


    It is an existing URL. I simply copied the text as a highlight to take you directly to the specific word/phrase in your content. If you are on a Windows PC, select the hyperlinked text, then choose Copy link to highlight

    Thread Starter mike00200


    Great, thanks. I will try now what you advised me to do and tell you the result!

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