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  • I downloaded the file from the source above:

    Installed fine, working great, but I only have one row of buttons – nothing like the screenshot. Anyone using this plugin care to clue me in?

    Thanks, kj

    Disregard. Found the problem. Hadn’t installed the latest release. Tricky, both zips are the exact same size in bytes. Did a line-by-line review of the code, and as soon as I saw they were different, I knew I was good to go.

    This app still misbehaves quite a bit, it doesn’t appear to insert all required HTML properly, but it’s functioning for me now at a level I can live with.

    Hope all this talking to myself helps someone else. 😉


    will someone help me? i don’t understand the language, english please, lol 😉 how install this, where is the link to download the LATEST .zip!?

    i am using this, it works FINE but the quicktag buttons, the buttons already were at ‘Write’ doesnt works, y?

    I made a FCKeditor Plugin:ChenPress.

    Maybe there are something different.

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