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  • Thanks for writing in. If you can expand on what you’re thinking of for making things simple, that would be helpful to know!

    Thread Starter sielwolf


    Thank you for your interest indeed !
    1) the tools are scattered everywhere it is difficult to navigate, but it’s part of the game, find the familiar elements.
    2) Why such a narrow column? What a loss of place. As a result, we do not have a clear vision of what we write.
    3) The hidden items and the smutliples menus really do not help.
    4) The drop cap is a good idea but it switches permanently in preview mode. this is annoying.
    Apart from the block principle I do not see what it brings except visual confusion.
    5) Why not allow to compose visually the blocks, a little like visual composer. This is a weakness in WordPress layout through the visual editor. Create columns would have been welcome.
    6) Layouts explode literally with additional themes and editors like DIVI or Enfold.

    I installed “Disable Gutenberg” for it to work again …

    I think you have a lot of work but unfortunately it does not simplify our work. I think that your project is not mature for production and it is really premature to launch it.

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