• Resolved mariowp13


    I’ve a problem, the totals calculation in the cart is wrong.

    My prices are VAT included so I guess the problem is when Woocommerce removes VAT before the totals calculation.


    11,90€ (VAT excluded) * 18 = 214,23 it should be 214,20€ not ,23

    Total (with VAT) 261,36€

    VAT 47,13 8The VAT is displayed separately)

    Total (without VAT) 214,23

    Totals: 214,23 + 47,13 = 261,23 (OK)

    So the problem is when the system removes VAT in the single product

    14,52 – 22% VAT (2,62) = 11,90€

    11.90 * 18 = 214,20 NOT 214,23 (without VAT)

    Any ideas?
    Thank you

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  • Plugin Support RK a11n


    This sounds like a rounding issue. Just to check, do you have “Rounding” enabled/disabled in your tax settings under **WooCommerce > Settings > Tax > Tax Options**?

    Thread Starter mariowp13


    Now I have enabled “Rounding” (for subtotal) but:

    11,90 * 4 = 47,61 (It should be 47,60)

    11,90 is VAT excluded, the price with vat is 14,52 – 22% >> 14,52-2,62 = 11,90

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by mariowp13.
    Thread Starter mariowp13


    I found the problem… the system calculates:

    14.52 – 22% (VAT) = 11.901639

    11.901639 * 4 = 47.606 rounded to 47.61

    In the invoice: 11.90 * 4 = 47.61 (it should be 47.60)

    How can I solve this problem with rounded prices?

    Thank you

    Plugin Support Hannah S.L.


    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    I’m glad you got a step closer!

    The invoice may be pulling the price from a different place – which plugin are you using to set up an invoice?

    Thread Starter mariowp13


    Now I’m using “YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List Premium”

    Any ideas?

    Hi @mariowp13,

    Now I’m using “YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List Premium”
    Any ideas?

    If the problem is only happening on the invoice, I would suggest reaching out to the developers of that plugin for help.

    Alternatively, take a look at this invoice extensions we make:
    https://woocommerce.com/products/print-invoices-packing-lists/ (this one is more for printing them).


    Thread Starter mariowp13


    Unfortunately they don’t generate the Pro Forma document



    Automattic Happiness Engineer

    Hi @mariowp13,

    If you need to use the YITH WooCommerce PDF Invoice and Shipping List Premium plugin for a specific use-case, then I echo Mikey’s comment about reaching out to the developers of that plugin for advice.

    As this query is no longer related to the core WooCommerce plugin, I’m going to mark it as resolved.

    If you have any further questions, you can start a new thread.


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