• Hi all!

    I’m encountering this issue on my website.

    Basically on the WP Dashboard I see that all the elements of my posts, portfolio and pages are correct (e.g. meta description, snippet, canonical url and so on).
    Yet, when I check the website on another computer using the Dev Tool I see that the text and title of the article are correct but all the elements regarding the canonical url, meta description, snippet and so on are wrong. Namely, they are all the ones relating to my home page. This is happening for all the pages and articles of the website.

    If I fix manually the elements of one post on WP (i.e. I customize the canonical url, meta description, and so on) then the entire website will use those elements for other posts and pages.

    I’m really freaking out as I can’t detect the source of the issue.

    On the website I’m using Rank Math for SEO, Translate Press for translations and Elementor for the pages.

    Thank you very much

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • So when I visit your website, each page has its own meta description. I can’t understand the problem at the moment. Have you already solved it yourself?

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