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  • Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Did you configure a page in Table VI for the album widget?

    Thread Starter tjodense


    Thanks for your reply.
    When I setting :Album widget thumbnail link = SubAlbums and thumblink, I can not click on the Album.
    If I set it to SlideShow I can clik on the Album, but I open
    I have not use LinkPage.

    Thread Starter tjodense


    Strange… Now it is working….
    The only thing I have tried is to make a post with %%wppa%% inside.
    Now the Album Widget is working fine…

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    That is not strange, that is correct.

    You can not link to a photo, album or slideshow, you can only link to a post or page.

    That is why you get a yellow warning triangle and a — please select a page — in the page selection box when you configure a link in table VI that requires a page or post having at least %%wppa%% or [wppa][/wppa] in its content while you did not have a page like that configured.

    The default is — same post or page —, that is why its working now, but that is not the way you should do this.

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