• Resolved bg000331


    Hi, we are running a multilingual site (EN, DE, IT) with WPML. For some reason some search results show the wrong product url.

    For example: Im on the German Site and im searching for a product. The url of the product shows “/it/german-product-name”. So its a mix of the IT url and the german permalink.

    Any ideas? Reindexing didnt help


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  • Plugin Support Kris


    Hi @bg000331!

    This support forum is only for users of the Free version of FiboSearch.
    Because you’re asking about the Pro version, please submit a ticket again via our website: https://fibosearch.com/contact/.


    Thread Starter bg000331


    i will try again. I never got a reply


    Thread Starter bg000331


    How long does it usually take to get a reply. Still havent heard back from support….

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