• Resolved smlongmire


    Greetings! My name is Sylvia Longmire, and I have a WordPress blog called Spin the Globe. I’ve been having some issues with major discrepancies in my blog statistics, and I’m hoping someone can help me figure out what’s going on. For the record, I’m not a developer or coder, and I’ve only been doing this for a year.

    Currently, I’m using WP Statistics, Jetpack, and Analytify (which tracks Google Analytics, so I’ll refer directly to the GA stats). I’ve been using WP Stats and Jetpack since the inception of my blog a year ago, and I only recently installed Analytify since many advertisers only accept GA stats with their blogger applications. My problem is that GA and Jetpack are only showing roughly 10 percent (often less) of the blog traffic being reflected by WP Stats.

    Here is some information. I DO have WP Stats set up to exclude admin hits, bots, and spiders. I DO NOT have GA or Jetpack set up for these exclusions, only to see if the numbers would go up and to isolate this as the problem. The numbers have not gone up.

    As an example, for November 16, WP Stats shows I had 1,322 visits and 803 visitors. Jetpack showed 141 visits and 100 visitors for that day, and GA showed 160 visits and 108 users. Since the GA and Jetpack stats are close to each other, you’d think those were more accurate, right? However, I use Commission Junction for affiliate advertising, and CJ reflected 765 impressions for November 16. An impression is recorded through code embedded in the ad and is only counted when the page with that ad is opened and viewed.

    Thinking this might be a re-direct issue (since my directory site at http://www.spintheglobe.net/dir redirects to http://www.spintheglobe.net), I took a look at stats for one of the static websites I have. My WordPress travel agency website (spintheglobetravel.net) is having the same problem as my blog. For November 16, WP Stats shows I had 558 visits and 154 visitors. Jetpack showed only 2 visits for that day, and GA showed 5 views and 3 users. While I may be in some sort of denial that my blog isn’t performing nearly as well as WP stats has led me to believe, I also have a hard time believing that 90 percent or more of the hits WP Stats is recording is just bots, spiders, or web crawlers. Can someone please help?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hi,

    We have recently a major update on all files,
    We updates some of libraries to detect bots, spiders and etc.
    Also we will have another update to detect all visitors and their visits
    So please recheck all of these matters in next month
    And if you have any problem after that time, please open this support request again
    We will consider it again more


    Thread Starter smlongmire


    So you’re telling me that my WP Stats numbers are going to drop by 90% after these updates? You still haven’t explained to me why the WP Stats numbers are SO high compared to GA and Jetpack. What numbers am I supposed to believe – and thus report to potential sponsors and advertisers???

    same here… with wp-stats my stats are very high compare to analytic and jetpack

    Same problem here. Bots are not removed and visitor data is truly wrong although I have checked in the settings to don’t count the bots ….

    Also the search terms from Google are almost never shown. So What is good with this plugin after all? I am a supporter. Please help fix this problem ASAP.

    Same here. Very high numbers compared to jetpack.

    Same on my sites. WP Statistics counts approximately 8 to 10 times of the numbers of Google Analytics, Jetpack, kStats Reloaded or the numbers of the webhoster statistics tool.

    A statistics plugin that is so far away from reality is pretty useless. This limits the use of WP Statistics to comparing page and post hits on the “all pages” and “all posts” overview.

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