• Resolved silenceworld



    First Regenerate Thumbnails is very useful WP plugin.

    When I have the plugin WP Extra File Types activated, then Regenerate Thumbnails stop working.
    I’m in Media Library and when I choose image and want to regenerate images I have messages from WordPress
    “This file is not allowed for security reasons.”

    Any suggestion about this?

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  • Plugin Support Stef (a11n)


    Hi there @silenceworld,

    I checked the plugin you mentioned, and it seems like its main goals is to facilitate the upload in the Media Gallery of file types that aren’t included in the WordPress default file types.

    Regenerate Thumbnails reports that error due to the type of files you’re trying to regenerate.
    As by default WordPress only accepts uploads of certain file types, the error shows up when you’re uploading a file type it doesn’t accept – Regenerate Thumbnails sort of “ignores” the work WP Extra File Types does with the files.

    In short, even if you manage to upload files that usually aren’t accepted by WordPress by default, Regenerate Thumbnails isn’t anyway able to work on them.

    Hope that answers your question!

    Thread Starter silenceworld


    Thank you for the answer.

    Plugin Support Jay


    You’re welcome!

    It sounds like you’re all set, so I’m marking this topic as resolved. But if you have any further questions or need some more help, you’re welcome to reply here or open another thread.

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