• Resolved avistan



    First of all your plugin is truly amazing, thank you for it!

    I would like to request help, with an import:

    I want to import woocommerce products from an xml file, i got a problem, with the sale price. In the provided xml some products sale price is “0,00”.

    I would like to skip theese cases, and import the sale price only to products what have a real sale price.

    Im not good at cooding, and could not figured out the sollution form the documentation provided.

    Thanks a lot, in advance!

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  • Plugin Author WP All Import


    Hi @avistan

    I would like to skip theese cases, and import the sale price only to products what have a real sale price.

    You can use an IF statement like this to import a blank value in the case that the real value is “0,00”:


    Just be sure to change “saleprice” to the correct element name from your file.

    This is just what I was looking for. Is there any documentation for this?


    Agreed, your plugin is fantastic.

    I have a similar issue where I’m trying to test for certain keywords in array elements to determine whether to display them or not. Is there a way to use [ELSEIF] or string [IF] statements together? I don’t see anything on this in the official docs. Here’s my code:

    <p class=”event-description”>[IF({value[.=”day1-kickoff-event”]})][ELSE]{value}[ENDIF]</p>

    Jason Gresalfi

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