• Resolved sprzedawczyk


    Hey. I’ve got a problem with removing subfolder name from my URL. Quick summary: my wordpress is placed in subdirectory, I moved index.php to the root with added /subdir/, I checked multiple combinations of htaccess and wp_siteurl/wp_home but it’s still not working correctly.

    I left wp_siteurl/wp_home without subdir name, with default htaccess files and index.php like said above.
    Now, my site runs almost fine using root URL despite some broken links which is normal, but I can’t access /wp-admin. It gives me error: too many redirects. It looks like it’s still using old URL(with subdomain) to access wp-admin and wp-login. This of course creates problems.

    Any ideas what could be wrong?

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  • Thread Starter sprzedawczyk


    I don’t know for sure, but I think that I made it to work by purging and removing my cache plugin.

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