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  • Thanks a lot! Everything works fine now…

    Thanks for so fast support!

    Just to let you know that Tobias has sorted out my site. I really appreciate him going beyond what would be expected. Thanks Tobias!

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks for all the confirmations that this Extension successfully restored the tables!

    And also thanks for all the nice and encouraging words, as well as donations and nice reviews! I really appreciate it!

    Best wishes,

    npf Marketing Services


    Thanks for your prompt actions on this issue, not of your own making. I can confirm that all my tables are working fine with the update and that I was able to fix those that got currupted using the repair tool you provided.

    I echo all of the positive comments.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thanks, that’s good to hear 🙂

    Best wishes,

    You guys, I’ve NEVER seen any support as good as this MY WHOLE LIFE
    Thank you, Tobias.
    Sincerely, Tablepress users.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    thank you, I really appreciate it!

    Best wishes,

    P.S.: In case you haven’t, please rate TablePress here in the plugin directory. Thanks!

    Hi Tobias,

    I have carried out your advice, but the issue persists.
    The corrupt tables are still uneditable.

    Please help.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    most likely, there’s another form of corrupted data on your site then. If possible, I’d like to take a direct look at this on your site. Could you therefore please get in touch via email (the address is in the main plugin file “tablepress.php”)? That way, I can investigate this directly. Thanks!


    Hi Tobias, thank you for your efforts to resolve this issue. I uploaded your plugin today for a corrupted file, but I am still unable to open the table and get the same error message. Are you able to assist? Are there any other steps I can take to resolve?

    Also, do I need to run the extra plugin for all sites with tablepress, or is it enough to update to the newest version of the plugin if there were no edits made to tables after upgrading to WordPress 5.1?

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    @rrodda75: If the issue of corrupted tables persists after using the Extension, please get in touch directly, via email (the address is in the main plugin file “tablepress.php”).

    If no edits where made to tables after updating to WordPress 5.1 (and thus no tables are corrupted), you only need to update to TablePress 1.9.2 on those sites. Running the extra Extension is only necessary to restore corrupted tables.


    Thank you for the quick resolution of my issue. Great support Tobias. Thanks again.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    you are very welcome!

    Best wishes,

    This is to confirm that my issues have been fixed completely. Tobias took the extra effort to check my site, point out why the tool didn’t work in my case and adjusted the tool to work for my case. To be honest, that was a VIP premium service and I got it for free.

    Thanks, Tobias.

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