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  • Appreciate that you’re keeping us updated @tobiasbg

    Plugin Author TobiasBg



    here’s a third update:

    I just released TablePress 1.9.2, which includes a fix to prevent this from happening on tables, see
    (With this, the suggestion of modifying the tablepress.php file is obsolete and no longer necessary. If you made that change, no worries. Just update to TablePress 1.9.2 and it will be reverted in favor of a more suitable fix.)

    I will now concentrate on building a solution that allows to easily restore corrupted tables. Stay tuned!


    Thank you @tobiasbg amazing work!

    Hello Tobias a have this problem with the Tables
    Attention: The internal data of table “20” is corrupted!

    · TablePress: 1.9.2
    · TablePress (DB): 38
    · TablePress table scheme: 3
    · Plugin installed: 2016/02/20 17:47:21
    · WordPress: 5.1
    · Multisite: no
    · PHP: 7.1.26
    · mysqli Extension: true
    · mySQL (Server): 5.5.5-10.0.37-MariaDB-cll-lve
    · mySQL (Client): mysqlnd 5.0.12-dev – 20150407 – $Id: 38fea24f2847fa7519001be390c98ae0acafe387 $
    · ZIP support: yes
    · UTF-8 conversion: yes
    · WP Memory Limit: 40M
    · Server Memory Limit: 256M
    · Magic Quotes: off
    · WP_DEBUG: false

    Greeting from Holland

    Same problem here after WordPress update once I update the table. I have HTML href code in all of my tables but none of them use target="_blank". I do use href mailto with ?subject=. All of our tables that have not been updated using the same HTML are all still working fine.

    As a side note, this issue has done wonders for opening the eyes of my superiors on the pitfalls of using WordPress.

    I did the TablePress update for 1.9.2. This seems to have resolved my issues.
    Thank you @tobiasbg for your amazing work! I for one sincerely appreciate your time, effort, and hard work to get this resolved and to get it done so quickly.

    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi again everybody!

    Thanks for your patience regarding this issue today!

    Earlier today, I released a plugin update (TablePress 1.9.2) that prevents further corruption of TablePress tables after editing them on WordPress 5.1. Please update to TablePress 1.9.2.

    I can now also offer a solution to easily restore TablePress tables that where corrupted due to this bug:

    1. To restore your corrupted tables, I developed a small custom WordPress plugin, a TablePress Extension. Please download that as a ZIP archive from
    2. In your WordPress admin dashboard, go to the “Plugins” -> “Add New”, and click the “Upload Plugin” button near the top.
    3. Then, choose the ZIP file that you downloaded in step 1 and upload it. (Alternatively, you could extract the ZIP archive and upload the contained folder to your site’s /wp-content/plugins/ folder via your FTP program.)
    4. On the next screen, click the “Activate Plugin” button.
    5. The TablePress Extension will then try simple search/replace operations in your database to fix the internal data format of the TablePress tables.
    6. You should then see a notice text at the top of the screen about the process, and a suggestion to create a backup.
    7. Finally, you may go to the “Plugins” screen and “Deactivate” and then “Delete” the “TablePress Extension: Fix corrupted tables” plugin again.

    Again, I’m really sorry that this issue happened due to a bug in WordPress, and was not caught earlier during the testing phase. With TablePress 1.9.2, you should no longer experience corrupted tables from this issue.

    Best wishes,

    Works for me now, thank you Tobias 🙂

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by danniee.

    I’ve tried the fix and it has completely ruined my site.
    I just get a message “Your TablePress tables where successfully restored” but I cannot go into anything (e.g. Dashboard, plugins etc) as I just get the message at the top. This is a complete disaster!!!

    Plugin Author TobiasBg


    Hi @danniee,

    It seems like I had missed one possibility of how the tables can get corrupted. I have now added that to the TablePress Extension as well. Can you please try again with a fresh download?

    @mark800: I’m really sorry about that. This should obviously not happen, and I actually don’t see how the Extension could cause something like this…
    If possible, I’d like to take a direct look at this on your site. Could you therefore please get in touch via email (the address is in the main plugin file “tablepress.php”)? That way, I can investigate this directly. Thanks!
    (As a potential quick fix: Can you please try deleting the tablepress-fix-corrupted-tables folder from your server’s /wp-content/plugins/ directory, via FTP? That would deactivate the Extension again as well.)


    Ok, I’ve just sent you an email.

    Hi Tobias,

    Just some words of encouragement. I’m going to use this thread as an example to others of how to provide a robust and personal level of support to the things that make a difference in other people’s websites.

    You’ve handled this amazingly well and I just wanted to add a thank you to the thread so it’s not forgotten. 🙂

    Thank you very much for the fix, damaged table has been successfully restored.

    Thread Starter lordrubis


    Thanks for fix!

    @tobiasbg is without question one of the best plugin developers I have ever come across. Amazing person. Make sure to donate when you can, I have 🙂

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