• Resolved ironman2004


    Good morning,

    Updated to WP 5.0. Basically it’s working fine. However an issue is, if I write a post I can set just one link within the text. Means as soon as try to set a second or third one it doesn’t work and the other links get deleted and just one remains. Hope it comes across what the issue is.

    Any idea to solve the issue. I’ve to say I’m not a pro and have just a basic understanding of WP.

    Best regards,

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Moderator James Huff


    Hm, I’m definitely not running into that myself.

    This may be a plugin or theme conflict. Please attempt to disable all plugins, and switch to the default Twenty Nineteen theme. If the problem goes away, enable them one by one to identify the source of the problem.

    If you can install plugins, install Health Check. On the troubleshooting tab, you can click the button to disable all plugins and change the theme for you, while you’re still logged in, without affecting normal visitors to your site.

    Thread Starter ironman2004


    Thank you for the response. With the classic editor is working again. So I stay with this. Issue solved.

    Best regards,

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