• It works perfectly with the Divi theme we use. Website scanners show that Google fonts is no longer used.

    When it seemed like it only works with the default font (on several websites we use individual fonts in some text elements), Daan gave us a hint that in the settings of this plugin there are several options that might solve the problem. After enabling “Divi/Elementor compatibility” within the advances setting it works!

    So if you use Divi or Elementor, try this option to make it work with all used fonts.

    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by jgastmann.
    • This topic was modified 1 year, 8 months ago by jgastmann.
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  • Plugin Author Daan from Daan.dev


    @jgastmann This is obviously a bug or a compatibility issue. If you like I can help you debug it?

    OMGF does exactly what you want it to do: replace Google Fonts with local copies of the exact same font. If it falls back to a system font (which is what you’re describing, when you say “Default font”), then that’s usually due to this.

    Anyway, if you’re willing to debug it. Share an URL of a site here, activate OMGF and put it in Test Mode, and I’m pretty sure I can pinpoint the issue. 🙂

    Thread Starter jgastmann


    @daanvandenbergh Thank you very much for your support! I edited the text of the review and switched it to 5 stars!

    Plugin Author Daan from Daan.dev



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