• Hi,

    Since 2 days, my scan on Wordfence can’t finish because of this message error : mysql server has gone away.

    I’ve tried to fix it by myself looking up solutions online but nothing works. There are no particular issue on the website that I noticed: it’s just this error message on wordfence that keeps happening everytime I try to run the scan ( around the malware scan).

    Everything was working well until I tried to modify some settings on wordfence and litespeed cache ( with YouTube video). I’ve tried to put the original settings back but the issue is still here.

    Can you please help me ?

    Thanks for your patience,


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  • Plugin Support wfpeter


    Hi @noelie33,

    The MySQL server has gone away error is something we see from time-to-time but is a symptom of the database server restarting/crashing and starting up again automatically.

    Running out of memory can be a cause for this happening. If the database server is crashing or running out of memory, your server admin or host should be able to diagnose and resolve the problem for you by looking at the server logs. This can especially be a problem with sites on shared servers where another site is to blame for the loss of memory, affecting yours – but is not limited to that kind of setup.

    We would still be happy to look into this a little closer should we need to, but ruling out the database’s availability would be my first step.

    Let us know what you find out!

    Thread Starter noelie33



    Thank you for your quick reply.

    I’ve ask them and they told me this : “I can’t make direct changes to your server or database. You can start by implementing the mysql_reconnect command before your queries to see if that resolves the issue. If the problem persists, it would be best to check the server logs for any signs of memory shortages or unexpected restarts. If you’re unsure how to proceed, you might need to consult with a developer who can take a closer look at your specific setup.”…

    I don’t know how to implement the mysql_reconnect command. Can you please help me ?

    (meanwhile I’ve check the server database and there are no issue with memory of anything)

    Thanks for your patience,

    Noelie MANCON

    • This reply was modified 2 weeks, 1 day ago by noelie33.
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