• ojasvi1195


    We are planning to migrate our website from a Static HTML website to WordPress website. Since our static html website is already live, our hosting provider suggested that we could set up WordPress initially on a separate subdomain on your domain (like www2), ), and then when the new WordPress based website is ready to go live, we can remove the DNS records pointing to the old website, and change the host names for the web hosting to the main hostname and also change the main URL of the website.

    Now the question is how to create a subdomain website such as www2 on wordpress? Need more clarity on this. Thank you

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Now the question is how to create a subdomain website such as www2 on wordpress? Need more clarity on this.

    To create a subdomain website, you first need to create the subdomain. And you do this in your hosting control panel.

    After creating the subdomain in your hosting control panel, you can then use the created subdomain to install your WordPress website — either manually, or automatically using the auto-installer your host provides.

    the exact steps to do all these depend on your own hosting provider and the tools they provide in their control panel. It seems your hosting provider is OVH, so use the tools in your OVH hosting control panel, and contact them if you need further help.

    Good luck!

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