• Hi, I have used “add media” from URL to play sound samples for all our products. The player shows and plays the sample correctly for each product but in the related product descriptions that show up at the bottom of each product page, only the embed code is showing up for each product´s sound sample.

    Is there a setting to determine how much text gets pulled for the related products ? Or do I have to manually edit each product to reduce the amount of text that gets displayed for the related products? Or any other way to fix this?

    Thank you.

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by wpforosupport.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • When I visit the page you indicated, it works perfectly well for me (Firefox / Windows 10).

    Thread Starter wpforosupport


    Hello Tor-Bjorn,

    Thanks for your quick input.

    When you say it works perfectly well, does that mean you do not see any embed code at the bottom of the product page where the 3 related products are listed? The sound sample for Mind Over Matter and all our other products work fine but in Firefox, Safari, Opera and Chrome, the related products are not displaying the actual player but the code only. Is there a way that I can attach a screenshot? I am about to edit each individual post and that would take a lot of time….Thank you, Jana

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