• My site was updated from 6.03 to 6.1 yesterday and the 2×2 wordpress gallery started showing as a single column of images with no space in between.
    I’ve rolled back the update and turned off auto-updates for this release but that’s not a longterm solution. Adding a new gallery under 6.1 had the same issue. It shows fine in the editor but on the preview/published page the images are strung together in one column.

    In a separate issue another site I look after also updated to 6.1 and the spacing below all the single images disappeared. An easy fix (increased the top margin for the heading below the images) but not something I’d expect to have to do.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • You have enabled the siteground caching plugin. Have you cleared the cache after the update?

    You are using the Neve theme in an older version, I guess 3.2.5. The current version is 3.4.4. I would recommend an update. If you have further questions, please contact the support of the theme: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/neve/

    Thread Starter helen2022


    Not very helpful. Yes I did clear the cache.

    I cannot reproduce the problem with the current version of Neve. The gallery view works there. I would recommend you to update the theme again.

    I just see that your gallery is displayed correctly again. How did you solve this now?

    There is a bug entry about the actual problem at the core developers: https://core.trac.wordpress.org/ticket/56970

    Thread Starter helen2022


    Hi, I have switched the gallery for images displayed in columns for the time being. Not ideal as the spacing looks off on mobile but better than the broken gallery. You can see the original problem on my test gallery page here

    I have added to my css
    .is-layout-flex {
    display: flex;
    as mentioned in the thread you linked to. Now my 2×2 gallery is displaying as 4 columns across the page. Better I think but still not right.

    When I searched re this problem originally I found a thread in github showing exactly my problem so assumed it was a known bug and would be fixed shortly?

    If you scroll down to the bottom of my test page you can also see where the spacing underneath the image has disappeared. Is this a bug or a change? I have just had to go through my other site manually adjusting the spacing, would be nice to know whether I’m going to have to go through again un-adjusting it or not!


    Yes, a correction should be made via the above ticket. I hope with 6.1.1, but we have to wait and see. Watch the ticket or pay attention at the next WP update times.

    Why under the image the distance is missing is unclear to me. Since you’re using a CSS optimization plugin, it’s hard to see exactly what’s to blame.

    Thread Starter helen2022


    Perhaps this will help, same version of Neve theme but not using the Siteground optimisation plugin, showing the same lack of spacing below the image.

    This now looks more like an incompatibility of Neve with WP6.1. There is a specification for the image block in WP6.1 that resets any spacing. However, this picks up AFTER a Neve specification to set a spacing and thus resets it. I would recommend writing about this in the Neve support forum: https://wordpress.org/support/theme/neve/

    Thread Starter helen2022


    Ah thank you. I really would prefer not to upgrade the Neve theme at this point so I may just have to work around this problem. At least I know it is unlikely to change back the other way!

    I’ve added a gallery to that test page which is fine, so not a problem with the theme. Of my 3 sites the gallery problem only happens on one.


    I have the very same problem on my site. And I have already updated to the latest Neve version – so that does not solve the problem.

    The container <figure> has display: block set. And the child <figure> elements are flex – so that won’t show as columns..

    I’ve got the same problem with the Poseidon theme. All the galleries are showing as single columns. Is there any easy fix?

    @mglowka and @chatty-gardener: please open your own topic for your own issue: https://wordpress.org/support/forum/how-to-and-troubleshooting/#new-topic-0
    Please note: https://wordpress.org/support/forum-user-guide/faq/#i-have-the-same-problem-can-i-just-reply-to-someone-elses-post-with-me-too

    @helen2022: Have you already contacted Neve support as written? They can help you here because it concerns their templates and styles.

    Just chiming in. I have the same issue with my galleries stacking exactly as shown after the most recent update to 6.1

    I’m running the Genesis framework with the Revolution Pro theme.

    I found one discrepancy: It seems to only happen on pages where I have inserted the gallery mid page with no containers etc separating content.

    On another page where I have all the various content in separate own containers, the Image Gallery inserted between containers is displaying properly.

    I am guessing the solution is to wait for 6.1.1?

    Thread Starter helen2022


    @threadi I have not done so yet – I’m not going to be able to look at it again until the end of the month so thought it best to wait and see what the situation was by then. I’m hoping for a patch at least to fix the gallery issue before then? Thank you for your help so far!

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